SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

Pfft. If people want an enjoyable bad time they’d play Dark Souls or Elden Ring.


Good argument /s

In summary:

You: I have a conclusion
Me: do you have any supporting evidence?
You: yes, but I won’t provide it.
Me: why?
You: trust me, I have the proof but you wouldn’t understand
Me: doubtful….and assuming you just lost an argument and are wanting to slink away. Also notices someone liked your post so at least one other person doesn’t get how silly your position is: the decline is subs must be from the stated desire by the devs to not need casual players anymore.

It can’t be from the game’s aging, the target audience aging, other games existing, the genre as a whole declining, or even other competitive entertainment like video streaming that didn’t even exist at wow’s peak….

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Having a conversation with yourself? Nice!

Either way, the evidence is out there.

Yeah, the huge decline this expansion is due to it being an aging game! Is this supposed to be your version of evidence?

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Cypher gear is good to do daily’s and ZM stuff, outside of that you are at a disadvantage. Grinding for mediocre gear is puzzling to me.


I came back to WoW in March of this year, after having been absent since the end of WOTLK, and made an Orc hunter on realm Cairne. I’m a dedicated PvPer and I have already reached the maximum possible gear level as a solo player with one upgrade to conquest gear from a lucky chance to team up with another players for 2s. It is impossible for me to find partners for rated BGs and Arenas and PvP guilds seem to be nonexistent now. Many players can dominate BGs and arenas wearing their PvE gear from Mythic, etc. but there is no way for a PvP-geared player, such as myself, to do well in Raids. This seems entirely unfair and so I shall be ending my short stay here at the end of this month.

Why not? Genuine question, I don’t understand

It will if they don’t want to see a significant sub decline. Otherwise they need to add something else compelling to do that isn’t instanced content.

Conquest has no business being earned via unrated PvP imo

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If the players that are not doing instanced content leave the game, how will that in any way affect the instanced content that they already arnt doing?

It won’t, but we also pay a subscription here that keeps the teams sizeable enough to create the content you enjoy.

I suppose if their goal is to drive away an entire demographic they’re welcome to, but something tells me that’s not their goal.

If the only meaningful things left to do were instanced content, well… you’d continue on the path that Shadowlands has been going. :chart_with_downwards_trend:


Because the best PvE gear is much better than the best PvP gear for both PvP and PvE. Moreover this best gear requires rated events to procure.

Imagine thinking only casuals had major issues with SL.

That’s easy. Follow the money. If a lot of subscribers leave, Blizz may have to reconsider their firewalled content to attempt bringing them back.

I reckon you didnt see the mass exodus this past July that… accomplished nothing.

The 9.2.5 PTR has just gone RC (Release Candidate), which means there won’t be any major changes after this only bug fixes and small changes. There is literally nothing for casuals in 9.2.5, only thing added is cypher weapons.

You can’t have everything rewarding the same level of gear.

Zm or world content could use a buff. But cap it at 265 as max level. Mythics 278 and gv gives 285

Weird. WoW has always been for raiders and end game content pushers. Idk why suddenly casuals feel like theyre important. Its been like this since vanilla. If you dont do end game contents, you dont get good gears. If you want braindead casual fun, go play lost ark and ff14. Raids there are insanely easy. 2 weeks of progression max.

WoW’s strong point is always raiding and m+. If you dont like it, there are other mmos out there.

they just wanna make the char more pwoerful as they play.
Although i find it silly regardless, solo play in mmos is just extremely boring.

The best pvp gear in SL is literally the pvp gear lol.

ion hazzikostas said that solo players/players that dont do content in groups are a silent majority.

No, PVP gear is bis for PVP in most cases.

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