why would i lie about it? my luck is really good. if i told you how many times its taken me to get specific raid mounts you’d probably not believe that either. that doesn’t change that it happened. my luck is better than most peoples. when i got carried through the last boss for my aotc mount i got two pieces of loot. most didn’t even get one. i bonus rolled, and got two different pieces of loot. i commented that i was mad i didn’t get the weapon on my pally. got a hat and a ring. my friend told me i was spoiled and most people would have gotten nothing. it is what it is.
It’s the internet. It’s easy to lie on the net. And it’s not helped by there not being something in sight during the whole expac that wasn’t at lesat 40 ilvls below that current content.
There were pieces that reached the levels of the previous tier for sure, but not current at the time.
the ring i got was 370. it was mythic level at the time.
Right now, everyone is on the gear treadmill to ilvl up. Bfa had a lot of gear, but seriously, once you hit 445, you either had to do a lot of pvp or high M+ dungeons or heroic raids. The difference between a ilvl 445 and a 470+ was big. And to get to 445, it wasn’t like a freshly leveled 120 was that high to begin with and it took a lot of time to get where the WQ’s were offering that high of ilvl stuff.
Right now, I see a problem that the hardcore people will quickly outpace any casual and unless bliz puts in a gear catch up somewhere, the gulf will be immense. Nobody is going to invite a low geared player to any dungeon, raid or rated pvp gameplay. So the casuals progression will grind to a halt, the hardcore players will keep growing upwards until they have the exact gear they want thanks to the vault. Then, you know what, they will become bored with the game, because there will not be anything to work for. That is why bliz always has the endless grind (mostly for gear). The casuals, who make up a large part of the wow community, also will become frustrated with the game.
Join a guild? Yeah right. To get around work, home and the kids, my schedule only allows a couple of hours at most, if any, a night. I like playing the game, but this new direction the designers are taking it, catering for the elites…
You should have screen shot it. It’d be believable then.
Too much loot was one of the primary complaints in BFA. It’s why we’re at where we are in SL in terms of loot drops.
i showed it during the expansion. i believe jalen here saw it when i posted on him and was complaining about it.
There is no such thing to an enchanter.
Interesting. Did you send it to Blizz?
Perhaps. But it was still an issue with how many times players were apparently visiting the Azerite Scrapper and vendors to sell gear.
why would i when it was working as intended. the tf cap was mythic cap +10 ilevels.
If it wasn’t typically seen, then it very likely wasn’t intended.
So true OP ty for your evidence and Ions quotes. Its brings things to perspective and this is spot on 100%
it was intended which is why tf was such crap. i got mcforges all the time. it was very much working as intended.
edit my monk also got 895 boots from WQ in legion when that was mythic level as well.
I got titanforges and warforges as well. Nothing that compared to current tier. And this is the first I’ve heard of anyone that has. On the forums, on Reddit. In my guild.
You are truly special.
all my guys got their BiS legendaries the first lego they got in legion as well. my monk i just mentioned got his right after he dinged. opened up WQ, did WB, got BiS leggo.
Jesus, you guys should play the lottery if true. My bis took I think 6 or 7 weeks to drop.
i am against gambling irl because of family stuff. but yes, i could make a killing at a casino with my luck. i don’t care about mounts really either except specific ones and my friends bring me on mount runs all the time cuz it drops for me and i give it to them.
my rivendares i got the first run i took this lock into at max level. the only toon i took into there. no lying. i was ready to farm it til lockout for weeks. and… first time i did it it dropped.
i mean he had been in there leveling and didn’t get it.
Im calling BS on this. Since when has a wow player EVER complained about “too much loot”? Show me proof that doesnt revolve around a thread thats either troll OR one where the complaint is that theyve got nowhere to put it.
Rivendare still has not dropped for me lol. It’s probably a never have for me. Same with the Zul’drak mounts.