Skywall Alliance Reconnections

Rayovac Lv. 60 mage
Last to bleed (level/non raiding)

Sever first to pull KT :smiley: …cause I don’ think we had a guild ever clear naxx did we?

I would like to point out Kixx sux

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second best rated priest on skywall only to Amne

Grazyna- nelf rogue- Ritual

Love seeing some of these old familiar names :slight_smile:

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Vierge, Night Elf Druid. <Lords of the Night / Nightwind / Asperity>

Did all the vanilla raids up to Twin Emps. Left the hardcore raiding scene sometime during TBC.

Fond memories of fun times with Toundaro, Comtesse, Sylvalis, and other folks from the guild!

Now this is a name that I have not seen in years. Don’t know if you remember me but me and my GF at the time were pretty decent friends with you. My NE rogue Hanis and her NE priest Jhane.

Hey there! I have a distinct memory of spamming heals while you tanked Princess Huhuran in AQ40 from the 30% enrage all the way down to zero.

I started in May of '05 in the guild DragonBorne, with my NE Rogue Kasamaray, Human Warlock Gylinn and Gnome Mage Tinkerkas. I left that guild to form Sworn Enemies which I ran until my stroke in 2009 through BC and the Start of Wrath.
I have also been affiliated with S.D.B.(Seven Day Ban)

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Going Horde huh? I’ll be on Pagle as Alliance

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Don’t know if anyone will remember me.

Nachodorito - 60 NE Hunter

Don’t remember what guilds I was in or any names really. Lot’s of memories and thousands of hours of fun that I wish I could link to some names again.

I played on Skywall back in the day. 60 gnome warlock by the name of Yap. Played with nigh elf warrior named Cuttys and was in a guild named AEsomething. That’s all that I remember. If you recall playing with me, hit me up! I’d love to reconnect with anyone!

Hmmm, those don’t ring a bell. Oh well, good hunting!

Nice to see an old guildy!

Yup, Color and I will both be playing. I’m hoping to find a few more of the old crew, but everyone else seems to still be dark. I’ll post here what server I plan to be on when I find out.

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Kielos, 60 Dwarf Pally reporting for duty. Used to play with a couple cool dudes named Chonicbudz and Spankycapone. Was in a few guilds over the years but I was also high asf most the time so meh… :wink:

hell yeah i do, banis hanis my little baby. you two disappeared on me

I’m sorry :frowning: Probably had to do with us moving to Korgath Horde side after my account got perma banned lol. If you want to hit me up you can add me WoozyGurren#1631. I’m going to be on Stalagg Horde side for classic. <3 <3 <3 <3

Dragonfyre, NE rogue.

bounced round a bit, was high asf mostly.
i remember playing around with some Nightwind peoples, Inner Sanctuary, Knights of the Blackrose. i ran a lot of stealth dungeon runs.
also tanked dungeons on my prot warrior Aspén

seen quite a few names on this thread i remember, such a spin out.
will be alliance on Remulos for classic. hit me up!

Played my NE Rogue Hanis in the guild Titans who later became Deeprun Trampz in BC where I played my Rogue and NE Warrior named Krydel. Was there for pretty much all progression so hopefully someone remembers me lol.

I know I saw Omatre somewhere in this thread, good to see at least 1 name from the DRT days.

It’s been a very long time since I was active. My main used to be a NE Hunter by the name of Alakard. I can’t remember names of many people or guilds I was in… It was too long ago but I’m looking forward to having some fun with Classic.

Pretty sure you were in Malice Awakened and Seven Day Ban (I think)