My dude! Hope all has been well.
Brooooooo, where we getting down lol?
Ravenstars - Human Rogue from Heroes for Hire (I think at one point I joined a more serious raiding guild but wasn’t for long and can’t remember the name). Names are fuzzy but would love to reconnect with any old guildies or familiar faces!
Duili Warlock/Veristina Paladin. Started in TBC but hoping to find others of The Chaotic Ascension’s weird spawn.
Yoooooo! You should roll on Fairbanks with the Nightwind peeps, that’s where I’m heading. justank#1652 add me
Skitter/Ifoughtacow of eXcommunicated. So many familiar names here, it’s like old times. Look forward to seeing you on Fairbanks horde side
Definitely remember you guys, and your name in particular. Wasn’t there a guild called OzNz too, or was that a diff server?
Long time no see from Skywall
Guild - Skywall Brethren
Guild - Aftermath
Name - Azkul
Guild: Heavens Assassins, Drunken Pirates, Oz Nz
Here’s a partial roster for those who raided with Rebirth:
Druid: Zolani, Teodora, Mineva, Freija, Eluden, Anias
Hunter: Winfear, Stunob, Strongmad, Hikoseijiro, Byndia, Boomstickle, Bandris
Mage: Vallon, Tisha, Setyn, Reli, Laelar, Eylirria, Arli
Priest: Todote, Omnia, Naetalee, Moonprista, Kixx, Bekah, Aishiya
Paladin: Zykos, Yazmin, Perlin, Romi, Ohnoes, Kivor
Warlock: Tigrez, Palooka, Nephy, Keltic, Dyloot
Rogue: Yoman, Leguaran, Harlot, Dem, Deadstar, Bonshee
Warrior: Tedrin, Tankman, Naughty, Kelris, Cursedjinx, Boulder
Partial roster for those who raided with Eternal Union:
Druid: Ashley, Gheren, Ghostskin, Psychofeor, Rhinhanel, Takuan
Hunter: Barhink, Crewe, Darkaeons, Jedibebop, Sparten
Mage: Adeux, Aquirple, Blackvoid, Croutons, Ferlin, Helian, Irafarmer, Lucefurr, Meella, Smoky
Priest: Apriest, Decisive, Faraday, Holyshakes, Lynthe, Lynlyth, Naetalee, Nuadora, Ruhlsunder, Zu
Paladin: Balinor, Beregond, Cayda, Delmaevin, Pulefitte, Zykos
Warlock: Bloodrayn, Joar, Maharagwe, Plageous, Remires, Tarquin
Rogue: Cynadore, Daco, Fluke, Kyon, Neelam, Piphany, Razoramone, Seafrease
Warrior: Aiforol, Bluefire, Forged, Gilí, Morfeus, Neversleep, Runamok, Taylorlee, Tido, Zakkwylde
Daimbooze 60 Shockadin/Holy pally main…Dazzlis 60 druid alt…Was in a guild with Scarab as guild leader cant remember guild name. Switched to Driven to Conquer later on. Also played a good bit of pvp with my buds Konann, Uncreation, Hero, Murdrune, Todo, Mela, and Wolfeyes.
I believe Scarab was GM of Hybrid Reaction. I was in Dauntless and we used to raid with Scarab’s guild.
Hahahahahaha, comedic gold.
Ghettomagic, Human Rogue
Ghettomagic N Shinzapper
Shinzapper, Imoen, Geoffer, Rufflez, Pizzaman, Jups, Drft, etc
nice to see some people are still as bitter and salty as they were 15 years ago : )
Good luck to you and your attention hungry future in Classic!
My Alliance toons were: Craig (Paladin), Cutthesheese (Warrior), Bighunt (Hunter).
Guilds: Dauntless, Heroes for Hire, Knights that say Ni, Hybrid Reaction, Misfit Toys, and probably a couple others that I cannot remember.
I have stayed in touch with most people I wanted to, but 2 people in particular I lost touch with that I would like to say hi to:
Midnightz, and another person who was the first person I ever played with… I don’t really remember her toon’s name, maybe it was Diane?
I remember that guild trying to remember im sure I had mate that was in that guild was it Darkwalker a rogue? night elf he pref daggers lol.
Knights of the black rose anyone know if Greattoker was in there he was night elf tank and changed name to Dubb not long after.
this is DECISIVE, the servers BEST PVPER
is that HIMM???