It is 100% a bug and able to be replicated easily by mounting while standing in shallow water. I originally thought there was something else causing it as well, but have since realised there are just a lot more tiny water puddles than I thought In addition, no, it has not been acknowledged, to the best of my knowledge.
The work around for now is to make sure you mount on solid ground or when actually swimming (unfortunately for druids, this is not possible with flight form, and jumping out of the water into flight form will usually cause the bug).
When you do encounter the bug, it can be fixed by dismounting and remounting on solid ground.
Annoying, but it is what it is for right now.
There is this dragonriding in Waking Shore, where you start in this small pool of lake at a cliff, and this bug ALWAYS happen there.
I guess that explained it.
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I’m having this same issue while in flight form, it’s incredibly frustrating.
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It has gotten worse today. It is impossible for me to point downwards when skyriding now. The game just keeps forcing me to level out. I tried to do one of the skyriding world quests and could not go through the rings because I can no longer aim my mount at them.
Fix this now Blizzard! You made this an important part of the game, so fix the damn thing!!!
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I’ve had the same issue on my druid in flight form, which is rough because that’s my gatherer. I’ve noticed that shifting out and back into flight form (the old “turn it off and back on again” method) often fixes it for a while. I usually just do it midair and hope the GCD is shorter than the fall, but sometimes that means i angle almost straight up before it so that could be part of fixing it idk.
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This is not just happening with skyriding. It’s happening with about the same frequency on static flight and swimming too. It doesn’t happen every time. Someone suggested that it might only happen if you take off after standing in water, but I haven’t been able to reproduce exactly what makes it happen.
For me, it also happens if I’m near water very close to the same plane.
I still suspect this issue is a bug tied to a relic of a feature I’ll call “water skimming”. A long time ago a feature was added where if you auto-flew at a non-vertical angle into water, the game would level you out and continue your flight along the surface of the water. They broke this briefly some time in MoP or WoD but then added it back in later.
However, since dragonriding/skyriding have been introduced, they’ve likely had to muck around with the code for various features involving flight, and I’m willing to bet a large sum of money that this old feature got mixed in (except that it’s activating when you mount and auto-leveling only when the camera is panned up if you are descending). There’s no other feature in the history of this game’s flight that comes close to the same behavior.
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My farming route took me near the waterwork area in ringing deeps (which also has a pool-like spot by it), and it might be entirely because you said that that i am remembering that as where the bug usually was, but there’s a chance.
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That’s a really good theory…but it’s also happening to me at about the same frequency when swimming and not even on a mount. It feels like you’re bouncing off something when it happens.
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Can’t say I’ve ever experienced that. Is it possible you had activated the bug on a mount and then dove straight into water before dismounting after?
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It’s possible…I’m not sure. I haven’t found a specific pattern to when it happens.
it’s still a problem it’s why i turned off sky riding because it was impossible to fly distance because it kept leveling me out, turning off vigor gain.
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Still happening. Several other threads but no traction besides this one.
Still an issue on my end as well. It was a once in a while thing before, but certainly feels like it’s gotten worse now, to the point where it feels like it’s every other time I take flight I get this buggy behavior with both Skyriding and Static Flight.
Still happening. 3rd time this week, sometimes logging out and back in resolves it, sometimes not. Mount really wants to level itself out, seemingly. This makes it hard to recharge vigor and have fine control over the mount.
It’s been almost 2 months now of dealing with this issue, it’d be nice to hear Blizzard at least acknowledge it… It’s almost more frustrating not knowing if they’re even aware of it. Between all the replies everyone here has mostly narrowed down some of the key factors.
Water walking abilities seem to trigger it along with launching from water, etc. the main workaround I have found is to land and remount then it works as normal again. Well, until it inevitably breaks again.
i hate skyriding now because of this snapping to level. i actually liked using, but now since i have to wrestle with the controls i would much rather use steadyflight. Sure it might be slower, but at least it is a constant speed and i don’t need to worry about my angle to keep vigor recharged. before this unfortunate change i would fly up really high and just coast with skyriding recharging vigor easily with a slight downwards descent. with the this auto snapping, can no longer do that, and no matter how high i fly i find myself landing more often to recharge the vigor.
i really hope they fix this, skyriding/dragonriding throughout dragonflight was fun, but now with TWW, it feels like a chore. luckily i have the flight points unlocked, so now i can avoid skyriding.
I believe this issue occurs when you are either standing in shallow water and mount a skyriding mount, or attempt to skyride directly out of water. The ‘leveling off’ that’s happening is likely the guided leveling off when you’re angled downward slightly and flying near water, to keep you from crashing into the water and suddenly coming to a dead stop, but the game is incorrectly thinking that you are always about to crash into water if you start skyriding while standing/swimming in water.
Pretty sure this can be fixed if you dismount, then re-mount fully on land, though it’d also be nice if the underlying bug was fixed as well.
I was happy to find this, because this was driving me nuts and I was starting to think I was crazy. I didn’t remember this happening in Dragonflight, but I can’t fly downward at the angle I want to, it gets stuck either too low or flat.
I hope it gets addressed soon
Still happening and I’m glad others have noticed because it’s been driving me mad and finally managed to articulate it enough in a search to find this thread.
Really hoping it’s fixed within this season, I do not want to go the expansion with this “feature” - it’s taken Dragonriding/Skyriding from a 10/10 feature to a 6/10 feature with moments of 2/10.