You didn’t answer my single question in my post.
Also, I never said I was being forced to use Skyriding.
You didn’t answer my single question in my post.
Also, I never said I was being forced to use Skyriding.
Answered a half-dozen times over. You just ignore it, just like logic, because it doesn’t support your claim that there is some ableism angle here.
See I think most aren’t opposed to it being changed. I know I’m not.
But when they like to use handicap as a tool to get their way… its more of an… the audacity. Which results in a “sucks to suck, deal with it” replies.
Its also hard to actually discuss the topic when people want to verbal diarrhea nonsense to spam the topic
You may of replied, but never answered my question, just tried to sidetrack discussion with no answer to my question.
Show me the logic I don’t understand.
My problem with Sky riding has nothing to do with disabilities, SR give me bad motion sickness. Yes I have used the Accessibility options for Motion sickness. They helped but did resolve my motion sickness problems.
Again, how does it harm your game play to release both forms of flight at the same time.
I’m sure some of it is that but there are usual suspects to the mentioned behavior that I kind of withdraw the benefit of the doubt from.
I don’t think it would really harm anything for both options to just be available to say my piece on the subject though.
I don’t care if pathfinder sticks around or not. The issue is that, instead of acting like adults and saying “I just don’t want to have to earn this” people pretend it is discriminatory, ableist, preventative, or other nonsense instead of merely rooting their request in anything resembling reality.
Still didnt answer my question.
I disagree.
Their thoughts are composed very well on this topic of SR and how it impacts disabled gamers.
And you’re sitting there beating your drum going “they don’t need skyriding, they can just deal with the inferior, more cumbersome methods instead”. You’re literally saying they have to deal with the harder method because of their disability. Textbook discrimination.
I am still waiting for a link or how they would define " incorrect opinion"
This has been true for many years. Some people find satisfaction watching others suffers which is why I have always argued that PF is toxic as it splits the player base for no reason over an imaginary gate that should have never been created.
PF was toxic since say one it was put in place and it was never a compromise.
But as the dragon flight beta showed disabled players started to speak up and that is the day when TBC normal flying was saved. Amen.
Here is my thing okay. I don’t care if PF goes poof, but do so at the start of an xpac, not after its already live. And I expect there is a really good chance in the next xpac this will happen.
At this point I do not believe there is anyone who has been actively playing that has not accomplished in some way or form to gain the PF achievement due to how easy the requirements are and that it can be achieved without using a flying mount.
I do not believe to make everyone do something, then simply half way through an xpac just give it the remaining 1% that have refused to get it for what ever reason because they are complaining they cant. That cheapen the game experience of even trying to accomplish anything at the start of the game because one starts to think if they complain enough anything that hold any type of challenge or road block or time requirement if you whine enough it will just be given away at some point for no effort.
So by all means Blizzard remove PF come the next xpac. or change how you manage both flight systems. I hold no issue, I will deal with it either way. But when it comes to this xpac, leave it as is.
I care & complain now so I don’t have to in the next expansion.
No, it’s not. They can use any other system if they are physically incapable of, or choose not to, use skyriding, an optional system. It’s not discrimination, it’s just disingenuous whining to claim it is.
The thing is almost every single one of you that are complaining, already have PF. LOL, and are flying the way you want anyways. So why are you so dead set to have it removed from this xpac, what advantage does that grant you at this point, you already are flying the way you want. You are just standing up in the cheap seats making noise for no reason. Sorry but its true.
Oh I agree.
Tbh I’d much rather see pathfinder stay, get more achievements added back and give cosmetics as rewards.
Heck bring back bfa style of pathfinder part 1 and part 2. Or do 1 part per season with scaling cosmetics.
As I have said I don’t see them having a PF in the next xpac, they may use something else to gate flying. But I really think PF will be removed as a method of gating flying of any type.
However I do see the always using something in order to find things in the game that they will gate or slow down in same way, shape or form because the upper end of management of the company demands it.
Easy to say when you’re not the one afflicted by the ailment.
I’m only looking for the next xpac
Oh come on now. Lets stop being over dramatic.
Its flying in a video game that you unlock in a few hours of playing.
Its not that serious. Its a minor hindrance at most.
I mean I agree that the requirements aren’t bad. They are in fact so not bad that they are pointless. Kind of the last gasp of a dying beast imo.