Skyriding is too hard for disabled gamers

I am sorry but WoW and every single thing in WoW, will never amount to a 1st world problem. Only a person who has lost touch with reality would think its equal to a 1st world issue.

As stupid video game is just that a stupid video game, its stresses you out then stop playing it. Period!!! Problem solved!!! No world leader cares nothing about nerds fighting on video games and complaining they are not getting as much as the other person who plays the same game for their $15 per month service charge due that players inability to play the game as good or effectively as the person who is getting more out of the game.

Life is not fair and never will be. That is real life and that is also games. No one should get a participation trophy. You have winners and you have losers in life and in games. To win, you 1st need to learn how to lose. Thus is life. The young, old, crippled or weak, no one always gets a fair shake in life when it comes to crossing the finish line all at the same time. Fact is no one is suppose to cross that finish line at the same time. They show up when they get there. If its 1st place or 5 million place.

One using things such as a disability or any other text of race, what they choose to represent themselves and an identifier or anything else to claim they need special treatment in order to try to beat, compete or tie someone who is fully capable of playing by the design of rules and competition or game in this matter. Just so they can say they can beat everyone else, is not asking to be treated as equal but be given a boost or special treatment due to their issue or social desire of how they want to be seen in life. This is as wrong as cheating and cheapens the game for those compete on what is set as the ground rules to start off.

Either way PF and how we fly in a game is just the most stupid joke to be going on and on about just before a patch comes out when we all know everyone that talks about it in these post already have earned it and are flying just the way they want to anyways. Which is proof in itself that PF is not an issue but just a bump in the road. And the people who are making the most noise just want to bump their post count on the forums to make themselves feel more important than what they really are.

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You should stop repeating the same nonsensical drivel. They are two different systems, you’ve failed for months to make a singular point that supports the claim that Skyriding should be unavailable or that there is anything discriminatory.


I’m not seeing posters say “Skyriding should be unavailable”. I do see posters say both forms of flying should be available at the same time.

How does it harm your game play if both forms of flight are available at the same time?


Again, you fail to make a case as to why that should be the case, just like them.


Kiyoko will never actually answer this question because it would undermine their devout adherence to the status quo. There is no reason they shouldn’t both be available, so the default answer always rounds back to “Blizzard made it like this, so you have to deal with it”.

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Thank you for pointing that out. However, I disagree with your premise. Players (customers) have the right to post their desired game changes on this forum - it’s one of the functions of this forum, as well as the Customer Service forum. It is my hope that requests from players who support their need for changes are seen as genuine, and their opinions are taken seriously by the developers.


Mark this pally as a troll, they shouldn’t not be doing this here or anywhere to any group like this and continue to do so day after day. Also, the daily limit is 5, and with some serious breaches if the MVPs and Blizzard really did their jobs, they would take the real trolls out rather than those ones trying to deflect away from themself so the posts cannot get real points raised


I really don’t think you would like that
Especially after the posts you’ve made here lol.

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You mistake my post. Not my premise, but that of those who are advocating against removing the pathfinder restriction. I agree with you, there needs to be a change made here.

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There doesn’t. There is a difference between need and want.
Being disengenuous and claiming this is a need is ridiculous at best.

Correct. You and I don’t need the change. People with physical ailments need the change.


How does locking Skyriding behind PF help the disabled? It doesn’t, you’re just being spiteful.

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Why? They can complete everything except the skyriding race world quests using ground mounts and steady flight.

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They don’t.

Ground mounts exist. And the fact tbc flying has been locked since tbc, 17-18+ years also disproves this “need”.

How does having steady flying unlocked immediately change your gameplay experience?


Legitimately not relevant to either discussion ongoing. My issue isn’t with the idea, it’s with the blatant lying and use of disabled folks as a talking point for people who refuse to put in work. Any suggestion to Blizzard that is entirely framed around “lol why not” is a worthless suggestion. If you want to advocate for this change, the onus is on you to suggest why a change should happen. You’ve failed to make anything even resembling an honest effort.

You are posting in this thread so it appears you do care. But I do care because I want to see disabled WoW players have fun like the rest of us. Because we are a positive WoW community.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


As a disabled player, I need to say that I do not want any flying locked behind Pathfinder, and/or gold, and/or any other form of achievement or gate. I want all players to have access to transportation, as each form has it’s place.


Link for someone posting a fact as if it was an opinion?

Provide the link. This is your chance to prove to us all that you understand the ongoing discussion.


We will be patiently waiting. Thanks.

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And that’s valid, and why I’m perfectly fine with PF being removed.