Skyriding is too hard for disabled gamers

And some take tips and being told there is no other choice right now as being stepped on and use it to flame.
It’s sad these topics struggle to have any real discussion.

There are a few of us who are really, truly disabled and had problems with Skyriding and the Pathrinder to Steady Flight. A few of us have taken various paths and had various issues with resolving the problems presented by our various disabilities. There are some who probably have quit the game or TWW entirely, like one hunter I personally know and used to run with.

“The disabled” are not a monolith, though.


Yes, I have.
The solution was to not use dragonriding.

Most people in here agree with this. Most people are also finding ways around it too. As the expansion was designed to be ground mount accessible from the get go.

The solution is in game. If some people want to wait around for pathfinder to go away, they’re gonna be waiting a while.
Ground mount up and go is the solution of 90% of the cases.


Curious that someone who says they are disabled thinks the solution to problems caused by companies that have decided to remove accessibility is for the disabled to go to great lengths to cope while lowering their standards…but still paying money for getting less of a product.


There is no problem here. If the game REQUIRED flight and did not have work arounds for it, that would constitute a problem. The problem here is manufactured by the bad actors (you) in this thread.
There is a problem if there are no reasonable alternatives, ground mounting is the reasonable alternative.

Entirely hyperbole.

I see you want to be seen as an unlikeable person. Trolling while using the disabled as tokens is not a good look for you.

I implore you to look at the track record of Blizzard adding in accessibility options like color blind mode and the spider filter, taxi service in TWW even, then tell me they do not care.


See right here you are one of the ones causing flak.

Plain and simple, flying is a QoL. Not an accessibility thing for the handicapped. Flying was always locked until we got a different type of flying in DF.

There are a spare few that decided to label tbc flight as “accessibility for the handicapped”, and it’s impossible to have honest conversations with them because of how much they either stretch the true or use misinformation.

Or even look at how they have been slowly dialing down pathfinder requirements. But because it’s not 100% gone at this point, they have to kick and scream.
It’s exhausting.


Reasonable accommodation has been met. TWW is entirely accessible.
I understand wanting to play with your toys but not at the expense of people who are actually having difficulties. Which many of these loud mouths are not.

My tin foil hat theory is that its gonna go bye bye soonish in terms of future expansions. Either way as long as the expansion is ground mount friendly, I wont really be too upset, slightly annoyed but otherwise fine.

He just wants to take jabs and be edgy, they have no real horse in this race otherwise they’d be able to have an honest conversation. Instead of throwing the disabled under any passing bus they can over a video game.

Well stated. Each person is different and unique which is why feedback is being given.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Why is it that you are so dedicated to turn something applied to everybody into something specifically applied to disabled folk?

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Thread topic is about disabled gamers and skyriding. I may be old but yes I can read.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


That doesn’t mean tbc flight is specifically for disabled gamers like you continue to insinuate.

It’s not. It’s just spawned from the OP claiming it was impossible to unlock steady flight without using skyriding and has been people repeating that claim or calling anyone who disagrees ableist, either outright or through the least veiled terms of the decade.

The analogy is sound because it relates to either laying back in the status quo or moving toward change. Any other interpretation within the context of this discussion is ignorant.

No, “This is how it is now” is what lazy, scared people fall back on.

Nothing about this statement is correct except that I don’t need to be convinced of what Kinndy said. There’s nothing to be convinced of.

Wrong again. You can work with it and still fight to make change.

Wrong again. You really suck at this. I’m “on record” stating my position on skyriding vs real flying. Other people have seen fit to try and shift the argument from that of “if skyriding is available day one, then real flight should be as well”, to one of “real flight is easy enough to unlock, you can’t handle it?”

Have you read any of the discussion, or are you just making things up as you go?


Oh, my mistake.

Yeah, I have disabilities, but they don’t affect skyriding in particular. It just felt like the entire thread was about bad faith arguments. I hope Blizzard removes this requirement at some point.

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My opinion has been consistency is the key and fairness for all gamerss. Arachnophobia was put in for accessibility so that to me indicates that removing pathfinder should happen as well. Easy to do really.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Internalized ableism is a really thing that you should sort out.

oooooh nice projection!

Be a better person going forward is all I have to say to you.

We can do it.

Gold is an imaginary currency.

Disabilities are real.

This is an easy win for BlizZard. A lay up that even Woody Harreleson can accomplish.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Imagine if you’d understood a single thing I’d said instead of arguing just to do it. It’s insane that you have any support after the analogy you used, I’m out of this thread. It wasn’t enough to use disabled folks as your war drum, you decided to add women’s suffrage to the mix.

Actually a joke.


The “no u” defense. You’re the only one here who has been ableist.

Pot, kettle, black.