Skyriding is soo stupid lmao

It’s regarded as Inferior mode. You can just pretend that it doesnt exist anymore. You can live WoW without it now that Skyriding is here.

The game has Flight race at start. You need to have one at the start. And getting Weathered Crests just by flying is the thing to do at start. Getting those with Regular flying flight mode is a JOKE.

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I’m not the one complaining I can’t handle a mount and demanding it be removed, mate.


Its a skill issue.

Interesting, and what’s the highest 2v2 rating you’ve ever held might I ask? Oh 1300s? Checks out

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Skywriting is my preferred form of flying.
Love the races too.
One of the reasons I returned to Wow.

As to why non-interactive flying is behind Pathcrap now,
my personal suspicion is that it was to slow down certain 3rd party program usage as interactive is the Bane Of TargetPathing.

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Hard to gank and bot, I suppose


It’s the same attitude that people had when Dragonflight came out and people had legitimate concerns about not liking it from the word go.

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  1. No one claimed it was a challenge.
  2. You only speak for yourself.
  3. It was so popular that they extended it from just a DF feature to every mount in the game.

Because steady flying has required some work to unlock it since they tried to remove it in WoD.

It’s been said that bots can utilize skyriding back when it was dragonflying. So that’s not the case anymore. They can also utilize skyriding. Like bots are a bunch of commands and inputs it wouldn’t be hard for them to consider it.

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Doesnt matter. You can wave your epeepee about Arena ratings. Someone can wave over Mythic raiding. Someone can wave clearing pet dungeons world first.

What you define as skill, does not invalidate others and their own accomplishments or what they dedicate themselves to.


For a while it was flipping back, but I think it was related to specs or whatever and its turned off everywhere.

For questing stable riding is better because you can more easily survey the area and land where you need.

For Dawnbreaker its easier to land where you need and there’s no need for skyriding, it doesn’t affect the timing.

For long-distance I’d rather semi-afk and watch something on another screen or whatever instead of being forced to mash buttons so I can get there 3 seconds earlier.

Anything with a large elevation change (e.g., some areas of azj kahet and hallowfall) are just annoying to ascend with skyriding.

It’s nice to be able to just stop somewhere while flying to go grab a snack or bathroom or whatever.

I just don’t see the point, the speed gain is negligible in nearly every setting and the annoyance is 10x more with skyriding. It’s entertaining for like 2 days and then the convenience of stable riding vastly outweighs the novelty of skyriding.


You must be trolling now, considering you have no feat of strength for exiting unranked


No one cares about your irrelevant epeen.


2v2 is just like current raiding +, mythic +, dragonriding races, and arcade games. Repeat repeat repeat repeat until you either git gud, git lucky, or over gear the competition.

You’re an expansion late.


Just ride, bro.

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Because steady flying has required some work to unlock it since they tried to remove it in WoD.

This is the other main rebuttal other than “skill issue” that I see people regurgitating. My take on this is: Yes every expansion you have to unlock some new mount mode/speed at the end (level cap + gold). At 60 this was a faster ground mount (100%). When flying mounts came out, they replaced ground mounts as the thing that gets the increased speed. You’d have slow flight then at 70 you’re rewarded with faster flight while ground mount were still 100%, same as at 60. Now with skyriding, Blizzard did not replace the original flying mount with skyriding as the end-game reward. They chose to make the one that you unlock at level cap the regular flying mode and not skyriding mode. Considering the history with previous expansions, they’re making regular flying the effective reward at the end, valuing the feature higher.

That’s fine, they can do whatever they want, but the point is skyriding is not better and they know it’s not.

It’s not a “skill issue” - what a hilarious idea - and it’s worse than the regular flight mode.

You know WoW could get rid of animation canceling, and make your character complete its movements. It would totally ruin the feel of the game. That’s what skyriding does to flying mounts.

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It’s amazing how you read my post, but completely ignored what i said.

They’ve been locking steady flight behind some task since they tried removing it entirely in WoD.

Even if they had never added dynamic flight, steady flight would still be locked behind an achievement. It would still not be available at launch.

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Interesting, had not thought of that

To each their own. For me, skyriding has been the most fun feature added in the game in… a long time. I’ve always been fascinated with flight physics and enjoy games that have realistic depictions of momentum and gravity. I was extremely disappointed with flying in TBC, albeit happy I could fly at all.

During DF, I spent a good bit of time dipping and flying around obstacles for funsies. I absolutely love it.