Skyriding and standard flying

Just leave normal flight alone…why do you insist on making the game harder for those of us that are disabled or elderly with poor reaction times…many of us are long time players and have supported this game for years now…myself 16+ yrs now playing.

I some what regret buying TWW earlier cause of this issue with Pathfinding aka timegating Normal flight again…when does it end…why must disabled or elderly have to keep jumping though hoops just so they can putt putt around and enjoy the game at the speed they like…

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I was pretty clear…IF Ion is having such an issue with AFK with old flight its an easy fix that the ONLY thing it would affect…is AFK flight where you arent moving forward.
Clearly the man isnt gonna give you old flight without a fight, so pick one…wait for weeks…or months…or get it when he gives us DRing.

I dont think Ion is gonna allow you all to have old flight at the same time DRing is allowed unless something is changed to keep people from sitting AFK in the air.

The other alternative is worse…that hes ONLY doing this with old flight out of spite towards lesser abled players and NO change with it would be enough for him to allow both to be available from day one.
I keep trying to convince myself hes not that petulant, but who knows.

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Well well…Icy Veins just posted the full list of requirements to get pathfinder again done for normal flying in TWW…you have to complete all the campaigns…each zone you have to complete the campaign there are 4 zones…you must be lvl 80…and you must discover all the zones…where are all you folks that posted its only 1 small campaign now…its NOT…again its discrimination for those of us that are disabled or elderly and have much trouble with dragon riding


So we have to play the game then? That sounds nothing like the grind from before with rep

I really dont want to call it that, but he’s leaving little choice here given there are other options.
its almost like hes riding old flight out till enough people quit over it, seeing what the damage is and if the body count is acceptable, removing old flight entirely.

Personally, I think the game would survive it, but are we really saying we dont want lesser abled players playing WoW anymore?
Cuz its starting to feel that way as time goes on here with this old flight nonsense

NO fight is necessary.

They boosted the speed of TBC normal flying in TWW, because it would be an ugly look for them to have TBC flying side by side with DR gliding speeds.

But the real reason is they will eventually normalize and tune down DR gliding speeds to be closer to TBC flying speeds.

DR gliding speeds have been putting massive stress on servers and really difficult to balance on smaller maps.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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depends on how content is designed, obviously.
and as obvious is that blizzard can design content well for flight, as the did with DF.

Did they?
I read something about that the other day but mine seems to be the same, so I assumed someone was in error. But its for TWW?

I wonder how that has manifest in game?
I mean, I dont have problems with lag except in Valdrakken on a busy day.

The speed of DR isn’t adjusted in DF zones.

But they had to tone it down in the old world. But for whatever reason they decided to put the DR speed not the same speed as in DF zones but the same as old world for the TWW.

Then they boosted TBC normal flying speeds according to patch notes. But eventually what will happen is they may have to tone down DR speed again.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


You have to admit that would be kinda funny/ironic given how dragonriding was sold, lol.
having to neuter his new shiny thing ?
that sounds like that ‘slap in the face’ we hear about so much around here, lol


Standard flight was boosted up to 420% in the beta. It isn’t as fast as the ‘skyriding’ but the gap between them isn’t super massive anymore at least when comparing AFK glide speed vs AFK standard flight.

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It is the classic BlizZard rug pull.

I have warned people about this.

People can call me chicken little all they want but do not be shocked if it happens.

The gap is smaller but there is more testing that needs to be done!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I get pretty sick of seeing this. Why does this matter to you? Get out of the discussion if all you have to inject is more of the “sky swimming”, “AFK”, or “immersion” nonsense spewed by the hive mind. This is middle school mentality.


I have to admit, it does seem weird to have Skyriding ahead of Flying.
If anything, it’d make more sense to have Flying early on, then get Skyriding as the reward for completing the story and fully exploring the zone.


Not when Blizzard already said Skyriding is the new standard flying going forward in the game. They just are not abandoning or removing TBC flying.

This has always been an issue people only want to hear from Blizzard when they only say things they want to hear, if they don’t want to hear it, they pretend it was never said.

Well you can’t exactly fly afk with sky riding pal.

gliding vs flying…
gliding is definitely faster…
flying is more relaxed and


Thats literally the change they could make to stop this ‘problem’ from what Im figuring.
Change old flight so if you arent moving forward, youre falling, just like DRing.

If its druid they have an issue with, make some changes there too. personally while I love the instant form change, IF it meant lesser abled players could have old flight when DRing is available, Id agree to flight form taking the normal mounting delay.
And yes, i do understand that many druid players arent me and would toss fits about it. SO IM JUST TALKING ABOUT MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION HERE FOLKS…step away from the torches and pitchforks…LOL

The horror :roll_eyes:
You’ll complete this in 3 days max.

Love a good buzzword.

So you are telling me you can’t use ground mounts at all or flight paths? Or edit keybinds so you can fly with DR with one hand? Oof.
I swear the audacity to throw around the word discrimination for something like this is insane to me.

On a side note
I tried my druid flight form on dynamic setting.
It’s the bees knees! Can’t wait!
Holy crap blizzard, amazing experience!

I’m fine with normal afk flying and dragon riding. I was just saying. They’re giving us an option to use both in next expansion.

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