Skyriding and standard flying

Never made that argument so you have reading comprehension issues.

DR aka dynamic flying aka skyriding is faster which is why bots and hackers find it more convenient now that BlizZard opened pandora’s box.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

i mean its easier and convenient… I’m kind of getting old. Sure I do pvp and that might mean to someone else I’m supposed to be quick at everything but I’m just a oldie who still enjoy a hobbie, that’s it.

Slowly, explain what you meant by this then in response to my challenge that you didn’t see botters using Dragonriding:

“Yeah I saw them…it is called the DF expansion before TBC normal flying was released!”

If you saw them Dragonriding before they could TBC fly, but only saw them TBC flying afterwards, then explain how that is not an expression of preference.

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People always say this. They say they can’t look at the blue speed effects, so Blizz toned them down if not gave an option to turn them off. So that’s not the problem anymore.

Then people are like “I have a disability! I can’t do the buttons!”

But if you can’t hit 1 button every 6 second then you can’t play your class. Or even run around on your character, so that’s clearly not the issue, so… what is it?

It’s literally people looking for something to complain about. You found it and you won’t let it go.


its not me son…Im fine with DRng…but you folks who take time out of your busy days to slide into these threads so you can demean and attack lesser abled players make me physically ill…which is why Im putting your joke on ignore right now.

FACTUALLY…son…BLIZZARD recognizes the problem OR they wouldnt have made options for these folks.
Your joke denial of it says more about you than those players.

Blizzard LITERALLY ADDS a whole new section for MOUNTS to help players who are CLEARLY having issues with DRing…

“but but but…they makeeen eeet up”

Yeah…THIS is why so many here just cannot be taken seriously.
They come into this thread to whine about some details that dont affect their game in the least and attack lesser abled players…SAME behavior we see from them in game.

What are you talking about there were botters using DR mechanics in DF well before TBC normal flying was allowed in DF expansion zones.

Yeah I don’t understand the point of some people thinking this is funny. Personally I think it is an issue of principle that BlizZard can have an easy win by allowing TBC normal flying with no strings attached.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


During the beta of the game I encountered someone who said that they had lost a hand and had other issues as well. As a direct result, they couldn’t make use of it. Which is why the Whelpling system was implemented which meant his wife and friends could help him out when going on the ground didn’t work out for him or they merely wanted to help transport him around the place.

TBC-styled flying has non-stop since its introduction (including in TBC) caused endless issues in designing the world and creating meaningful quests, activities, events, and making sure folks engaged with each others as to alleviate aspects of the world that felt ‘empty’ because… you could always afk anywhere in the entire world at any time.

Like it or not, that’s a real issue. As has been demonstrated countless number of times. DR/SR doesn’t have these kinds of issues (in general), but they do have other issues. But basically none of which that you tried to bring up here by going “Dynamicdragonskyriding™” repeatedly.

Folks aren’t, well… at least sane folks. Can’t really speak for you though.

You pretending WoW’s most broken system wasn’t broken doesn’t make it not broken.

Try again, or preferably … don’t. As I have said, there’s literally decades worth of information in regards as to why TBC introducing flying has been one of WoW’s greatest detrimental aspects of the game (arguably the most detrimental but that’s debateable; it isn’t debateable that it is one of the greatest though).

These two aren’t the same thing. Yes, DR/SR DOES have issues but nowhere near the same or even the same kind of issues TBC-flying have. But the issues that people have with DR/SR that folks keep repeating are overblown and massively disproportional in regards to the actual issues at hand.

Heck, you stating that they are adding more and more options to help alleviate these issues is proof that it isn’t as bad as folks make it out to be. Why? Because when people provide actual useful feedback rather than mindlessly whinge on these forums, they add solutions to problems that people have.

Is it a problem? Yes.
Is it a problem on the scale as to what these forums proclaim them to be? Nope.
Is it so overblown that one can argue that it is even a non-issue? Whilst I wouldn’t use that phrasing, it very much so is a non-issue in regards to the things people talk about on these forums.

I have my own disabilities, thankfully none that negatively impacts my ability to play WoW or use DR/SR but I know what I’m saying when I say that this is an overblown issue. It is an issue, but issues are to be solved. Not mindlessly repeated for forum brownie points.

What makes my eyes roll so far back in my head I need medical attention are these jokers who perpetually show up in threads that have NO bearing on their game…yet they insist in running their mouths about crap that doesnt mean squat to them…like theyre just trying to troll for attention.

Someone complaining about DRing has ZERO bearing on that persons game…at all…yet they felt the need to come in here insulting and belittling lesser abled players anyway.

Disgusting behavior…but its par for the course in here most days.

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yeah…they were…and DRing didnt stop a single bot. Not one.
All they did was adapt…like they ALWAYS do.
If bots werent a problem and DRing changed anything then that poster has to explain the long list of BOT threads since very early in DF and all the way thru.

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This forum makes me laugh out loud.
Pick an aspect of this game…ANY aspect of this game…and some joker is gonna be claiming somewhere in here that THAT is THE thing that ruined WoW, lol

PEOPLE ruined WoW. The game itself has some issues, but isnt THE reason why this game is dying.
Ill mannered players are.


Relying on the availability of others for the passenger system is not a solution.

Strange, I remember them removing most portals in hub cities like Dalaran because people wouldn’t do their afking out in the world, mounted or not. Garrisons were rendered largely obsolete the same way, for much the same reasons. And that still has zero to do with a new flight system that still brings physical distress to a portion of the playerbase.

Removing flight altogether, as you seem to be implying flying in any way, shape or form is the most detrimental thing to ever happen to the game, would still be a level playing field.

Shocked that they haven’t, really, when there’s “decades of information” against it.

Ah, there it is. Then you have no idea what it’s like for those who still have issues with it, nor can you speak for those that do, but good on you for not having them.


This is how it should be. Any flying should be earned after level cap. Throw in a ground based Pathfinder achievement as well.

If I were selling something to them, I’d want to keep everybody reasonably happy.

Part of that is usually not feeling discriminating against for liking normal PvE, instances of varying difficulty, the toxic madness that is M++++, raids of varying degrees of difficulty, PvP, appearance/mount/pet collectors, yada, yada, yada. A very, very small thing in comparison to prepping new versions of all of those (and the inevitable changes to talent trees, as well as a whole new set of talent trees by different name). And since it’s something minor that will arrive almost immediately after reaching level 80… why? Why not include it at launch?

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The only way to enjoy WoW is by playing previous expansions.
I’m doing it in MoP and I’m really enjoying it.

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yeah, Im sitting here trying to remember what its called when one human being has no empathy towards other human beings, but the word escapes me.

Zero reason not to. Design the content FOR flight like they did with DF and there isnt a single valid reason not to have it from day one.
If these posters like not flying early expansion they can CHOOSE to use ground mounts. No one is forcing them to fly.

which in this case should have been a thing from day one.
They can change old flight as I mentioned before if they hate AFK flying…very small change but would fix that entirely.

As proven already, we can have both kinds of flight.

Keep in mind that BlizZard used to have penalties on this board for those that were out of line and making fun of those that prefer TBC flying or those with disabilities.

But they become empowered when BlizZard does nothing.

That toxic environment is a combination of players not choosing to restrain themselves but also BlizZard turning a blind eye to it.

Watching from a far you had jokers calling people bots and hackers just because they wanted TBC normal flying because it would make it easier for them to physically play the game.

But with that said we will prevail as they have lost a lot of momentum and momentum is on the side of TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


In most normal contexts a little ribbing is fine in my opinion, but when one lowers themselves to insulting, demeaning and attacking lesser able persons…yeah, they should just stay out of conversations entirely…and if they cant, they need to be removed from it by moderation.
This issue doesnt affect their game literally at all so we have to assume they arent here because of some need to be, but just from the sheer sadistic enjoyment of attacking and deriding lesser abled players in here. Gloating that they are better or something. Feels like something a therapist might be needed for, frankly.