Skyriding and standard flying

I saw more bots in DF than any other expansion and that was before TBC normal flying was released.

It continues to be the most biggest hot topic in every beta so far. Such a “non issue”.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I’ve seen them on the ground.

But you or I haven’t seen them dragonriding.

DR aka dynamic flying aka skyriding does more to break the game’s health.

  1. It makes servers unstable with everyone zooming around at those speeds.

Bots and hackers use fly hacks that allows them to function in a similar way like DR.

  1. Smaller maps can not handle those increased speeds.

  2. They had to reduce the speed of DR aka dynamic flying aka skyriding in TWW because it was breaking servers and the maps are super small.

TBC normal flying isn’t causing these issues.

Yeah I saw them…it is called the DF expansion before TBC normal flying was released!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

And they had thought of features to help player along questing too in those zones.

TWW beta in comparison to WotLK beta is like comparing two different dev teams. One dev team that actually cared about players while the other one is malicious.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

You’ll find a lot of these arguments are in bad faith. If you can play WoW, you can dragon ride. It’s worth mentioning Microsoft has done a praise worthy job in launching adaptable controllers and accessories for differently abled people.

Thanks to my mouse I can do most of WoW with a single hand, and certainly dragonfly with one hand.

I do not find it comical but rather sad to be honest! Truly what they are doing is taking something so simple and turning it into a tug-of-war as if it is necessary.

We all know that they are full of it.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

From playing the beta, then skyriding completely ruins druid flight form. One big thing a lot of druids do, is they save themselves whenever they fall off a big ledge or building by quickly activating flight form.

If you have skyriding on (as I’m sure a lot will) you can no longer have instant flight on your druid form and can no longer activate it mid air.

At the very least skyriding should be decupled from the druid flight form. Which is typically used for Fast take off out of stealth, gathering nodes, or saving yourself from fall damage. Skyriding negates all those things, especially the saving yourself part.

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Isn’t there a toggle to turn it off?

If you had a product, would you modify it to please a small group of gamers or the majority?

Yes, but that requires planning ahead of time. The toggle itself is like 5 sec long. I wouldn’t be falling to my death if I knew in advance that would happen.

The toggle is annoying but can work for node farming and stuff. But you rarely know when you are going to need regular flight to save yourself.

In the end I think it would be better if they just decuple the druid flight form from skyriding entirely. There’s no real reason to use the flight form for skyriding because all the timers are still on it. One of the main draws of flight form is that it is instant.

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But the did… with the toggle. Im missing the issue.

EDIT-This post was about the druid flight form no longer being instant but that is untrue now, they have switched it back to instant cast.

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I don’t even know how to unlock normal flight, I just take flight paths cause I can’t use that dragon…

You have to complete the achievement ‘pathfinder’ each expansion to unlock regular flight. (I really wish they would do away with this, but it is what it is)

So you admit that tbc flying is the botter’s preference

Hi, person who suffers pain IRL due to Dynamicskydragonriding™ where TBC flying was never a problem. I appreciate folks like Bearable amplifying this issue. Not noticing the second giant Mogu in the Vale isn’t comparable to any of the conditions that make the GW2 ripoff a problem to players like myself. This is like the “effort” or “attention” non-argument all over again.

Is it another weird flex like that argument? When you zoom past someone like me at over double speed because I get sick using the Dynamicdragonskyriding™ mechanics, do you feel accomplished? Do you swell with pride, knowing that basic transportation in a video game is the true testament of your gaming skill? I’d give you a gold star, but apparently I must putter along at a crawl because I don’t put enough “effort” into miraculously curing my condition. I’ll have to mail it to you.

“But TBC riders can AFK while mounted!” When I tried to make Dynamicskydragonriding™ work during DF–as I wasn’t left any choice for a very long time–when I tried and needed to stop, I found a safe place and parked there. Is there some new phrase for “AFK” that only the most skilled Dynamicdragonskyriders™ may use, because otherwise it’s the exact same thing. Dragons up a tree, dragons perching on ruins, dragons on high rocks, it’s the exact same thing.

“But muh druids”. Were Dynamicdragonskyriders™ unable to gather things, that druids moving at less than half speed would even be an issue? The gathering nodes that are multi-use? The druids would be the ones at a disadvantage, because those nodes would disappear before they could catch up. EDIT- Just remembered that to gather as a druid requires 1) you are not “flying”, and 2) mining pops you out of form entirely, as well.

Botters zoom under the map or even above it (fond memories of the guy in the sky while I was questing in Uldum during Cata). They are not a reason to deny people TBC flying immediately in TWW.

So again, I am left wondering why there are so many posters so staunchly against a more level playing field, as there always was before the devs decided to fix something that was never broken, with known accessibility issues baked right in. It wouldn’t be because your “superior” Dynamicdragonskyriding™ gives you a very clear advantage, would it?

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No DR is actually because it allows them to go faster.

Some people think it is a non issue. Those people lack empathy.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

oh ok i see i need embers of neltharion achievement, no idea what that is… why this has to be complicated

Because the end goal is to attach as many hurdles as possible to TBC normal flying while no restrictions to DR aka dynamic flying aka skyriding.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Why would they use TBC flying over Skyriding if they preferred Skyriding? Your argument is falling apart.