Skyriding and or steady flight advantages

Pathfinder for steady flight is simple to earn just explore the four standard leveling zones and complete the four standard leveling campaigns. The zones are ground mount friendly and the quest have assistance enabled.

Let’s look at how steady flight will ruin everything

  1. it has auto pilot

  2. stay in the air and not engaging with the world around you

  3. not exploring when your supposed to on your first go around on the ground

  4. getting to your location without anything getting in your way

These are some of the reason why steady flight is gated behind pathfinder. Also, this time the pathfinder doesn’t require you to do anything else besides doing questing and exploring the zones.

Skyriding on the other engages with the world around you and it doesn’t have any of the benefits that steady flight have. And it doesn’t let players stay in the air 24/7 and also not being able to land where you want to land. So, to me that is not much of an advantage in terms of gameplay.

If you have motion sickness where don’t worry ground mount is there for you to use and also don’t worry TWW zones are 100% ground mount friendly and have assistance during your questing experience.

(If you think I am against TBC flight you’re mistaken. Because I am a TBC flight supporter my self but I think it’s better to explore on the ground first and then take to the skies later. And plus, TWW corrected dragonflights mistake by making the zones more ground mount friendly.)

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No. 10char


Another one.


I don’t understand what you mean when you say “ruin everything”.

I also don’t understand the point you’re trying to make with this thread.

I like both types of flight but I prefer the regular, steady flying. It’s slower (I like that) and yes, if I get interrupted I can just park in the air and take care of whatever nonsense has decided to annoy me at that time irl.
It works for me, doesn’t hurt anyone else and I’m not missing out on anything.

So Idk what the point is but you have a g’day either way.


Inariusz is just baiting as usual. Chances are he won’t reply, or maybe he will now that I’ve called it out.

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skyriding didn’t force me to explore, I just fly like a rocket straight to the quest point in the map, didnt even see whats going on, and don’t interact with the terrain at all

by your argument, the best option is to simply not fly before the pathfinder


1.) Sure okay.
2.) So having no buttons to push is not engaging okay.
3.) Same with Skyriding.
4.) Same with Skyriding.


Oh look your very own thread where you can incorrectly call people liars and throw tantrums even more!

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They need to add a stamina bar for the mount, allowing it to stay in the air for a limited time, and when they move, the stamina bar is also drained, so the player has to dismount.


They really don’t. You have Skyriding with stamina. They both don’t need it.

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They do.

Unlimited flying with no timer is a mistake.

Only to you. The flight was fine for 15 years its only now its a problem? Please we can do better then that.

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To a lot people.

So lets go back to have it behind pathfinder at the last season of the expansion?

A lot as in 30 people on the forums?

Skyriding= Superior
TBC= Inferior obsolete.

Yet people are screaming TBC is over powered while saying Skyriding is better. This double minded non nonsense makes no sense.

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I don’t support adding anything to steady flight. The way how steady flight is working is fine. My post was about how steady flight has all of these advantages and that would ruin the first time experience being in a new zone or land. When the developers worked so hard on these places we should admire their work via the ground and then earn steady flight to see from the air.

Oh and steady flight unlock should be simple like do the main campaign and explore the zones and nothing else.

And here we thoght that Skyriding is the streamline replacement off the assembly line that is more powerful and is better in everyway.

Again double minded nonsense.

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If you open up your mind for the possibility then things can make sense.

If you can’t, then just use your maturity (if you have), to agree to disagree.

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I guess the maturity that I’ve said doesn’t exist.

How do you live in society? Do you keep shouting at people that say something you don’t like? Call them nonsensical?

Must be a blast living around you.

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It makes no sense calling TBC inferior while calling it over powered at the same time. Ether pick a side ether it is weak and feeble or it isn’t.

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