Skyfury is unplayable. No raids in WOTLK content on Skyfury tonight

you should search the forums at the start of wrath and look at all the people jumping to skyfury for a fresh start. there was multiple people telling them it was a bad idea. The i told you so wasnt specifically directed at anyone in particular just the general audience who were going off on the forums at the time that it’s going to be amazing

AGAIN all the other servers were LOCKED/FULL what part of that do you not get? I wanted to join my friends on Grobb and couldn’t…

I chose it because I wanted to play… and it had a balanced population and all the other pvp realms were full/locked i didn’t even know it was a “fresh realm”

so again stow you’re “i told you so crap” if you joined a month after wrath dropped it was the ONLY server that was pvp that wasn’t locked…

I didn’t even know who asmon blah blah was until two months after i rolled there… i’m 40 I don’t five a crap about streamers and didn’t even realize it was fresh, I just wanted to PLAY and everything was locked… and now I’m screwed because of open transfers out and none in.

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i dont know what they would do at this point, they cant open the mega servers because at this point a lot of the dead servers would just come to one of them and there would be a queue issue again. They should be opening transfers to medium sized realms.

There are plenty that would be good enough for now to at least last for a few months until they figure something else out

yeah it’s a super crummy situation for us that came back to full servers that our friends were on, that rerolled on fresh to play with us only to have the server die in 6 months because of it being “locked” it’s not like we went “oooooo fresh… steamer blah blah…” that had NOTHING to do with it… I logged in and wanted to play on a pvp server and it was my ONLY option…

the point is, in 2023 I shouldn’t have to pay money to transfer to another server because when I joined the server I wanted to play on was “full” and I just want to play the game so I pick a server “that’ll do” to find out in 6 months it’s basically defunct…

can you imagine any other business model doing this and how pissed people would be. there would literally be a class action lawsuit against them.

That would be like having a costco membership you paid a whole year for where your friends shop, and them opening another location further away from you to address the capacity issues. You and your friends moving closer and “investing” in said location, you get used to going there, adjusted you’re life around THEIR capacity issue, and then them closing it in 6 months because the capacity issue at original store had been “resolved” and they deemed the new location to not have enough foot traffic…

And now you have a costco card with another 6 months on it that is USELESS to you, and you moved you’re whole home/life/plan around THEM, only to be blindsided.

I don’t give a crap about the fact the store is new or not, or capacity or justin bieber/whatever celeb/streamer shops there… what I care is I paid 6 months for a product as advertised, and that I should be able to use to it’s full extent and I didn’t get that because of their mismanagement of servers.

Blizzard should be offering refunds or Free transfers/merges plain and simple. Not expecting people to pay more money to fix their mistake.

Kind of hard to fall from the point of “stealing an employee’s breast milk” or some of the other stuff that’s been happening over the past decade.

Pretty sure you could have joined when Wrath was announced and you might have gotten in.

Welp, better reroll in that case.

While my opinions on the concept are vastly different than the majority, the US DOES operate on the principle of “buyer beware” in cases like this, meaning that, in the words of Gene Wilder…

“You LOSE! GOOD DAY, sir!”

You got the product you paid for, just not in the exact way you wanted it; it’d be like buying a multipack of Frito-Lay chips, most of which you enjoy but with one you don’t, and expecting all of the box to be the ones you want in blatant disregard for the numbers explicitly stated on the packaging. You had X, Y, and Z as criteria for the server you played on, with X and Y reducing the possible options down to about 5 and Z reducing it to one assuming X and Y were both still true.

Blizzard isn’t saying “the server your friends are on will stay open forever regardless of other consequences,” and assuming otherwise just shows that in yet another case, age does not equal wisdom.

I deleted 3 level 80 characters on skyfury if devs don’t care about classic then niether do I. if they decide to do ANYTHING on this issue I will consider restoring one but for now the most hype parts of the game have been absolutely ruined by choosing this server while all the good ones were LOCKED btw and this company not having the perception to see it failed and allow people a way out of this choice without paying. whoever is in charge of these servers failed classic wow and thats not even to mention how rampant and unmoderated botting and gold RMT has been since release. its 2023 not 2007 creative solutions CAN exist and SHOULD exist. it’s honestly sad to see the mishandling and lack of love put into this “love letter” to it’s community.

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