Sky Riding Toggle - losing current functionality

What should have been an option from the start: You jump a few yards up and start static flying using the animations from Hover.

I suspect that they wonā€™t do that because then it would be too easy to cheese flying challenges like races.

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They can just disable the ability during racing challenges.


There wouldnā€™t really be much cheese here, as the racesā€™ primary element is speed and there would be zero benefit gained changing to static flight during a race.

But no one is asking for that anyways. Weā€™re simply asking for the ability to do what we currently are today: choose whether we have Skyriding or static flying active at the moment we mount up, not 5 seconds later. This is accomplished today just by having two different mounts ready on the action bar.

Yes. Ever tried to land on a branch or hop up to a small ledge right next to you on a DR mount? A perfect example is currently doing some stuff in Zereth Mortis for the Zovaal mount - I use dragonflying to cross the zone then I switch to local flying to jump up and land on the tiny ledge the chest is on, then immediately switch back to fly to the next bit, then switch to land on the tiny ledge or hover around to find the hidden bit then land grab it, switch back, flap up, see a chest on my map, head there, land switch, jump onto small ledge, loot, switch back.

if I had to cast a toggle for 5 seconds every time Id end up just giving up out of sheer frustration.


Iā€™m thinking of twitch gaming min/maxers, really. I donā€™t think that Iā€™D have the reflexes to do a super sharp banked turn by flipping static flight on and off, but you know if it was an option someone would work up a macro with Weakauras telling them exactly when to switch or something.

But someone literally did.

I honestly canā€™t say that Iā€™m doing this so constantly that a five second delay would super burn my britches, but I definitely recognize that it might be different for other people. I break out my static flying mount maybe once every other week or so, usually for a super specific circumstance. Iā€™m definitely not constantly going between the two types of flight so often that the toggle bothers me at all.

Then again, it does sound like itā€™s really a pain for Druids.

100% agree this is the least convenient way to implement this feature. Maybe there are technical reasons for this, maybe itā€™s too difficult to track and maintain a ā€œstateā€ for every mount. But if thatā€™s not possible I would just rather have 2 actions for each mount that I can drag to action bars: a skyriding version and a static flight version.

Yeah it takes pre-planning to pick which version of the mount we want to put on the action bar, but we at least retain the in-world functionality that we have in Dragonflight: being able to quickly switch from a skyriding mount to a static mount.


Yeah I mean that first example is going too far (though the second one is just making the case for quickly swapping to a static flight mount like today). Thereā€™s no reason to go beyond how the game currently works today.

Thereā€™s also not much reason to pull it back from how it works today.

I would be perfectly happy with this! Hell, Iā€™d even take an instant cast while mounted toggle with an arbitrary 5 second cooldown.


This. Absolutely this. Iā€™d take a short cooldown in a heartbeat if it meant I could instantly change it midair


Another way they could go would be some sort of macro modifier, like /use [@static] Some Mount or whatever. Anything but whatever this current thing is.

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How about an aura (think paladin auraā€™s and how they work) that allows us to click and seamlessly switch between Skyriding and steady flight for our mounts. (we likely would be dismounted if selected while we fly but beyond that, I think it would work.)


Yes, all the time, especially when in cities or working in a specific area for quests. I often switch between the two modes in quick succession when doing this stuff. Itā€™s not even as simple as just turning it on/off when I enter/leave a city. I might have a bunch of things to do around Valdrakken, for example. A trip from the bank to the AH is fine with regular flying, but the bank to the daycare is going to be dynamic flight. Doing a lot of these hops around town, some of them further apart than othersā€¦ yeah, Iā€™m changing which mount Iā€™m using frequently when I exit various buildings.

I have two mounts on my hotbar for every character I have, even the ones that havenā€™t unlocked dynamic flight yet, because my muscle memory is linked to those specific buttons on my mouse. One mount is for dynamic flight, the other for regular flight (not counting, of course, my additional mounts on a separate hotbar for vendor mounts, water mount, cosmetic alternatives, etc).

I donā€™t think changing it midair would be likely to work from a technical perspective. They are two completely different systems, and Iā€™d honestly be surprised if the handshake could be done that seamlessly.

I am reminded of how LOTROā€™s regular mounts were described by a dev ā€“ literally a cosmetic pair of pants with an animation and speed boost. Then when their warsteeds were implemented about a decade ago, I am pretty certain the tech was a LOT more than just fancy pants with a boost.

Left/right clicking also wouldnā€™t work, because keyboard shortcuts for the hotbars wouldnā€™t recognize that.

If this induction was added for the sake of change, then it should be removed as being the single worst idea for TWW so far (imo, ymmv). Weā€™ve been fine without it for the duration of Dragonflight. If they need some sort of breather between flight types, a CD would be better, because itā€™ll typically expire passively while you are flying to your next destination.


But there is.
The current way it works requires us to have 2 separate flying mounts on our action bars just so we could fly.

Additionally when Blizzard announced Dynamic Flight for TWW the way they phrased switching between Dynamic and Static flying made it sound similar to what I suggested.

Letting us easily switch between Steady and Dynamic flight is a lot simpler than storing what sort of flight we want for each of our hundreds of flying mounts for each character.

I much prefer the current model. Leave DF mounts dynamic, old mounts static.
Fun detected, fun removed.

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As much as I would love to be rid of the dragons from DF, I would gladly keep them if they kept flying as it currently is on retail. They will never do that after all the work theyā€™ve put into making every other flying mount dynamic, though :(.

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Ok Iā€™m not the only one remembering them saying that you could easily swap between the 2 forums of flying, right? They made it sound like it would be instant cast and you could do it in the air while flying.


Nothing new to say just adding more approval to an individual mount toggle. Universal 5 second toggle is clunky and annoying.


On the contrary, I love dragon riding. Itā€™s one of the best features ever added to WoW.

That doesnā€™t make a 5s cast to switch modes any less inconvenient though. There is valid uses for both dragon and static flight styles and being able to use both seamlessly would be huge for QoL. Especially since thatā€™s how the system currently works. Losing functionality is hardly ever a good thing.


you cant use them both seamlessly on live right now
you have to leave one and summon the other the summon takes about as long to change modes does nowā€¦ its 5 seconds grow up