Sky Riding Toggle - losing current functionality

Reposting this from the Druid flight form thread, as it really affects everyone and not just Druids.

The new toggle to swap between Sky Riding and Static flight will feel horrible for just general open world questing and exploration for everyone. We will be losing the current flight functionality of the current game when this goes live.

I often use “slow” mounts on characters to hop around small areas and such while doing stuff in the world. To have to toggle that, with a 5 sec cast, each time is going to feel awkward and annoying.

It will feel even worse when you forget to do the actual toggle. Spend 1.5 secs to mount up. Forget you had sky flying active. Land. Do 5s cast to toggle normal flight. Do 1.5s cast to mount back up.

That’s about 10-15 total seconds wasted because I forgot what mount flying mode I was in. Sure that doesn’t sound like much but it will add up and everytime it happens will feel just clunky and awkward.

One suggestion to ease this pain is to let us toggle a specific mounts as sky riding vs normal. That way I can keybind a sky riding and normal mount for their own use cases, just like the game currently offers.


Agreed 100%. How it is on live feels wonderful, with the ability to pick which style is best suited for the situation at a moment’s notice. The five second toggle system makes everything so much more awkward.


Would upvote so hard if it were a thing.

This is taking us from 1.5 seconds and 1 button to press, to 6.5 seconds and 2 buttons to press.

And while we’re at it, remove steady flight from the pathfinder. This is such an insanely antagonistic action against players with accessibility issues. I realize a lot of players use regular flying, not just those with accessibility issues, but it does seem to fly too close to the sun in terms of its almost discriminatory effect.


Posted on the other one, but I’ll reply here, too! This change feels absolutely horrible. Not being able to use both static and dynamic flying mounts feels bad. I often use my static mount when flying around a quest area, or going between herbing/mining nodes, or even when I need to AFK unexpectedly. Having to click a 5 second cast to toggle static mode on, then another 5 second cast to toggle it off, as well as landing and dismounting for each cast, feels like a horrible design.

I’m convinced that whomever thought of this hasn’t played this game before. Why in the world was it necessary to have it arbitrarily be a 5 second cast that you can’t even do while on your mount?

Let us have mounts we can mark as static, so they never use dynamic flight. At the very least, give druids a glyph that will turn flight form static if they want.


I would rather they had made it a toggle in the mount page for each mount instead of a hard one or the other ability.

Put it on the right click menu for each mount next to the button to put it on your favorites list. That way you can decide what mounts you want to skyride and what ones you want static.


Don’t forget the Dracthyr in the conversation about a toggling glyph, their Soar is subject to the global toggle now too (finally)


Yeah, that’s what I’d like. Just make sure there is a “(un)select all” button as well. I do not want to toggle 800+ mounts manually hah!

Also would be nice to have the toggles character bound instead of account. I know a lot of people theme mount use around each specific character.


The toggle definitely needs to be set on individual mounts rather than universal, or the cast time to switch needs to be instant. I am particularly bothered by it being on the druid flight form which severely inconveniences an ability we’ve had since BC.

What I don’t understand is why it was changed to begin with. The current Dragonriding ability is awesome in DF, allowing me to have both a Dragonriding mount and a normal mount. Expansions should be adding new features, not taking away things we already have in the game.


Adding my voice to this - all or nothing feels utterly horrific, and not just on my druid, but on all characters.

For those of us with less than perfect latency dragonriding can cause all sorts of weirdness when trying to move short distances, there’s so much less control. The amount of times I have ended up stuck in trees, on fences, having zero control because of phasing etc is utterly ridiculous. Throughout Dragonflight I have always used normal flying for short distances and dragonriding for long distances.

Either make the toggle instant or let us assign normal riding to certain mounts, exactly as it is now on live servers. Preferably the individual assignment option please.

This really is going to cause an immense amount of frustration and take a lot of joy out of the game.


Hard agree.

This is a very clunky solution as it stands.

The way it currently is on live is so much better - I have my sky riding mount for fast travel, my slow flying mount for hopping around a spot and my Taivan/ground only mount for dungeons.

The new system feels utterly awful and is incredibly frustrating to the point it makes me want to stop playing.

Just put a “Dynamic Flight” check box or drop down on each mount and it’d be perfect.


Blizzard I hope you’re listening because this needs to change, a 5 second toggle is insane considering how many times I switch between skyriding and classic flying ‘on the fly’. I know this isn’t only a druid issue & I’m adding my voice.

I won’t go into it, but I’d just like to say that this feels like an antiquated game design philosophy that Blizzard often finds itself returning to. You have been vocal about wanting to push this game into the future, and the next ‘30 years of WoW’ and such, but your words don’t match your actions. Further, locking ‘classic’ flight behind an achievement is dull & we’ve been expressing our thoughts about that for YEARS.


Where is Skyriding toggle? can’t find it. Thanks!

It’s in the mount journal in the header, looks like a dragon.


Thanks, I was looking in Options

An either/OR switch for all mounts(and flight forms for druids) is a terrible plan.

I’d set it to hoverflight and leave it.

Dragon riding would be dead to me.

Not going to bother with digging thru UI menus to swap flight types every time I want to use my druid flight form in hover mode.


I would have really liked a solution where, for example, left-clicking a mount on the action bar mounts it with Skyriding and right-clicking mounts it with static flight. I know this wouldn’t be a good solve for druid flight form, but it would have felt quite intuitive for everything else.

The cast time for toggling simply doesn’t have a place.


I also find this new system cumbersome. Why even add a 5s toggle? It does not make sense other to annoy players and waste time. I think a per-mount toggle or allow macros/addons to switch between the two so I can continue using litemount as is.


Forgot about that. What the heck does soar even do now without dynamic flight enabled?

Because Blizz doesn’t want us to have access to both instantly obviously.


Except that’s exactly how it currently works in game, and has for over a year.