Sky Riding Toggle - losing current functionality

That is silly. The toggle shouldn’t affect their racial. For me that would be the only reason to play a Dracthyr. Natural Fast Flying Ability and regular speed mounts.

The entire character wide toggle and limiting normal flight to the end of the campaign is quickly eroding what excitement I had for a new expansion.


I love utilizing the old school flying for questing/resource gathering if I am staying around the same general small area.

Skyriding is only used when I’m going far distances and not 100% of the time.

I found it extremely clunky and cumbersome trying to toggle between flight modes.

I think it’s an unnecessary time-sink that discourages people from wanting to switch between flight modes regularly like I would.

I’m not sure what benefit it adds by making it have such a huge delay between flight modes when currently on live if you utilize mounts that don’t have Dragonriding it works seamlessly and the only wait time you have is casting to mount up.

I’m sure eventually I will get used to it, but it feels like unnecessary changes to slow me down and will kill the natural flow of gameplay for no added benefits to any one.


I found the toggle to be pretty convenient, actually, in the Alpha at least. It took a second to get used to, then it wasn’t really a concern. Apparently I’m at outlier.

Is the five seconds to switch on your current mount not basically the same delay as getting off your current mount and resummoning a new one?

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So if I want to use my druids flight form in static flying mode I have to:

open the UI
Click the toggle
wait 5 sec
Click the flight form button

Then if I want/need to use a dragonriding moun I have to repeat the same process all over again.

Currently in all versions of live I just click the flight form button and poofff I’m in flight form. Been that way forever. There is no need to change this at all.

edit: also how does this affect travel for say I flight form to the ocean then dive in?
On live it seamlessly swaps me to dolphin form.

Will I have to shift back to NE form, then open the UI, then press the toggle, wait 5 seconds, then shift to dolphin form?


Not really. Instead of a 1.5 seconds for mounting, you now have a 6.5 sec cast time (probably closer to 7 since we aren’t machines and can’t hit a button that fast).

If I want to use a static mount for questing around an area, I have to cast a 5 sec toggle, then a 1.5 sec cast for the mount. Once I finish questing in that area and want my skyriding mount again, I have to hit a 5 sec cast to toggle it, then another 1.5 sec cast for the mount. And that’s best case scenario. What if I need to go slightly further away and want to summon my skyriding mount, then back to my static mount?

It’s a lot of toggling back and forth that makes it incredibly cumbersome. A 5 sec cast feels pretty arbitrary. As someone who plays a druid, losing the functionality of our flight form feels absolutely horrible as well. On retail, I have my dragonriding mounts and flight form on my bar and use both all the time. On alts, I have a static flying mount on my bars as well as dragon riding. While we still technically get the functionality of being able to use both in TWW, they’re requiring us to cast a 5 second toggle whenever we want to swap, which is essentially causing us to lose that functionality.


Yeah, on live right now, I use skyriding mounts for long travel and my flight form for emergency AFKs or shorter travel. It feels so clunky to have to use a 5 sec cast. A way to individually toggle mounts or a glyph to make flight form always normal flying would be amazing. Heck, if they don’t want to give people a way to toggle individual mounts, make it so toggling to normal flight doesn’t work on what are currently designated as our dragonflying mounts on live. that way even when you have your toggle off, you still have a handful of skyriding mounts for use. Idk, I feel like there are several ways this could be done better.


Like I said before, They digging the grave dragonriding will be buried in with this change.
I don’t like it one little bit


It does change you into the aquatic form when you hit water, but getting out of the water is currently a pain in the butt. Like on retail you just get to the water surface and jump and then you’re a bird. In beta you have to double jump or use the ascend button, which seemed to misfire a few times getting out of the water, and then I’ve used up most of my vigor just doing what I normally can do easily on live. Not a fan of it right now.


Ew, so basically like trying to get out of the water on any other skyriding mount. But way worse because travel form transitions are usually so fluid.

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Whenever I click it, it disconnects me.

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I haven’t had it disconnect specifically for travel form or skyriding, but then again, the beta servers have been so unstable that if you breath wrong, you get disconnected, so…


Didn’t see that will have to try it later was worried that they were gona put soar back to being of expansion type .

I agree the cool down should be less but the toggle for all flying mounts is fine as it is. I can only imagine the nightmare of setting each mount individually if I want toggle or not.

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I second this suggestion. This would be far better for players overall.


I guess part of the issue is…I just don’t switch back and forth from static to dynamic flying a lot. I only flipped to static flying like two or three times in the new content in the Alpha, and it was only because I wanted to get up high and hover there for a second.

Aside from the issues faced by Druids, which is pretty jank, are you guys all constantly switching back and forth between the two modes? Do you do that in the live game currently?


I use DR for long distance flights or when I want to get to a rare someone has announced in /1

other than that I’m in flight form cruising around in static flight


Yeah, in current content, I am constantly using travel form for short flights or gathering (because I’m noticing skyriding is so fast that sometimes I pass a node before my map picks it up, so I don’t gather with skyriding). But I still like having skyriding as an option for longer flights, so I find myself using both pretty evenly depending on context.


I haven’t used Normal flying in any area where Dragon Riding was available for all of DF.

Yes, honestly probably more often than dragon riding. I am questing all the time and dragon riding is just not precise enough.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love dragon riding and it’s one of the best features added to the game. But it’s precision and finese is zero and often that’s exactly what I need.


Please make the ability to change flight styles, instant cast and usable while mounted.