Skullcrusher Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Skullcrusher (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Shantino 60 Dwarf Paladin -Axiom-
Shauntino 60 NE Rogue


Moonsiina NE Druid


Amatheus: male NE feral druid.
I was in a guild with my sister ( in game Elocea, human female mage) for most of the time I think, Snowblind.
I used to love pvping with a friend I made in game. His name was something like Chameleon and was a human female rogue.


Cloaked - Rogue - NE
Was in the guild Cold Pizza and Beer
Would love to find some old guildies. Played with a guy named Kodiak or maybe kodak for a long time but lost touch.


Kirala - NE Hunter. Was in the guild Tainted


Tainted? Your name sounds familiar, I’m Acario if you remember, Dwarf Priest, Tainted guild. CheerfulJam#7784


Where’s Cottonmouth (NE Hunter) at? - that guy ganked me 10000 times and i’ll never forget.


Looking for Old School PvPer’s

-Played Alliance as Stevee the Mage during Classic.
-Switched to Crisscross Draenei Shaman in BC.
-WoTLK I was Steve the Orc DK
-Played Alliance and Horde from then on with different variations of the name Steve

Currently playing on Illidan Horde with the following OG Skullcrusher players when we do decide to log in
-Vendiledge -on/off
-Plus a bunch of others from after 2006 from Skullcrusher

Looking for Vargoth or anyone else I may know.

HMU for discord info if interested.


Ardoi 60 NE Hunter
Full Time Raider/Part Time PvPer of Local Defense
looking for any of the local Defense lads coming back


Drown, orc rogue from NA, interested

Azelen, NE Druid


Cold Pizza and Beer

Whooaa, blast from the past. I was in Cold Pizza and Beer for a while. Dwarf rogue named Argonath. Cakeman was the GL right? Don’t really remember anyone else but those were good times.

Charter name Jabz Rogue level 60 Guild Doom
Charter name Mjrwoody Warrior Level 60 same Guild
Charter name Bivium Druid Level 60 same Guild
Charter name Crankenstein priest level 60 same guild

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Whir - NE Druid - Lawl Patrol / Dark Entropy

Cloudey - Gnome Rogue - Lawl Patrol


Female Human Rogue
LAWL Patrol

I never ninja looted anything in Molten Core.

Draconek Warlock Doomed Legion I think?
Jaydena Priest
Angeliqe Drood

And I’m still on Alliance Skullcrusher because I’m a masochist.

Faxanadu Human Warrior <Immortality>


Hey Fam!

Played Alliance in TBC - Fredthegreat/Jessejojames. Human Warrior in “Borderlands.”
Played Horde in WoTLK - Lfmyjawplz. UD Warrior in our guild: Seal Cub Clubbin Club.

Mainly looking for DangerDave. DD, if you’re playing classic I want to PvP with you, haha! Loved dueling with you as horde, and hated getting ganked by you as alliance…

Also, Natralblonde, NE Hunter on the alliance side, enjoyed leveling with you during TBC.

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My name was Xzibit on the alliance, looking for players in the guild divine knights. I remember play with Nightmare and others, that came from everquest online adventures, hit me up if you remember me.

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