Skull of the Man'ari transmog STILL bugged

Its been months (first reported it in May), but Skull of the Man’ari still adds a second skull to your character in a really derpy way when its moged.


I second this motion to fix the transmog


That was broken before pre-patch, but they DID break lock transmog more, I used to be able to transmog my swords or daggers into swords, daggers, staffs, or legion artifacts before prepatch, now I can only transmog daggers into daggers, swords into swords, and staffs into staffs and legion artifacts of that spec. I do not approve of this backpedaling.


I remember when that transmog broke I thought by now it would of been fixed but tried it in retail still broken :joy:.


I actually quite miss it, wasn’t so much the visuals, which are cool. But I liked that he would talk to you when you killed mobs and things. Added a lot of class “flavour”


I also miss this, though he has sometimes made random comments. Really, the best way to hear his comments is to do Legion TW (or just soloing Legion Raids and Dungeons).

On the visuals, I’d really like to see the Skull of the Man’ari floating on the Warbands party screen as it feels kind of odd seeing the dagger (his spine) and not him.


truthfully its so silly i kinda love it.
its like the old saying. two heads are better then one!


Personally i dont, the 2nd one flies all over the place


i think that second one is the real one and the static one is the glitch. cause he always moved back in legion.


Much as I’d like it fixed, too, we’re not talking a game-breaking bug here. This is going to be low priority unless it’s the easiest bug fix ever.


Id really like this stupid glitch fixed. I like the weapons, just hate that stupid second skull having seizures every time you move.


They’re both real. He is normally static but after you were idle for a while he would start to float around, the bug is that both heads are active at once.


very very very interesting

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The fact that this is still broken is irritating. Because artifact weapons are “old content” it may not be a priority.

Which stinks because a lot of us worked hard to grind those special appearances and it feels frustrating for the time invested in getting them only to have those rewards stay broken.

Be nice if we got confirmation the bug is on their radar and the fix is just more complicated than expected.

Right now it just feels like it’s being ignored.


I love it. I hope they never fix it

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Yeah I don’t think that things is ever going to be fixed

Same applies to our Pitlord visual in our Diabolist hero talent with half of its body floating in mid air, you can even see in the visual of this Pitlord all hallowed out in the inside :rofl:. After seeing it you can’t unsee it.


I was about to post this, glad it’s not only me

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Honestly, its quite annoying. I can’t even equip an off-hand to my warlock now. If I do, it will have this gaudy double skull issue; this happens REGARDLESS of what I xmog the off-hand to.

At least Thal’keil, occasionally, talks again, so there is that.


Yes, for the love of mustard, PLEASE fix this glitch. I’ll be using staves on my Demonology lock until then.

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