Skull of the man'ari double skulls

does blizzard knows about this issue? have they said something at least?

War Within officially out for a few days now, still bugged.

My warlock feels naked without the floating head…

For the love of god, PLEASE fix this.

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Pls Fix this damn bug devs!!!

Using the Cave Spelunker’s Torch seems to fix? Doubt its permanent. Figured id get it here quick to see what people find.

Returns when mounting :(. Seems to fix it though

Games like an old car now, need to know the tricks to get it working right.

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Absolutely wild that the coolest most class exclusive off hand is just being blatantly ignored all this time. Hope they get to fixing this


lmfao the incompetence is unreal, thanks Blizzard.

Equipping the artifact weapon without any transmog attached to it causes 2 skulls too. The item itself is borked as well it seems.

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This has been happening for much longer than when OP started this thread.

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4 months since this thread was created, and countless bug reports later, and this is still a problem…

To my knowledge, there hasn’t been a single acknowledgement of this by Blizz ANYWHERE

Blizz, PLEASE!!!

WoW forums posts, Reddit posts, X posts, countless bug reports… this bug has it all. So why, after MONTHS of all that exposure, is this bug still present in a game with a monthly subscription cost?

What does it actually take to get Blizzard to notice these problems and act on them?

Come on.

Edit: I think what I’m going to do is pick the most popular RWF streamer this upcoming Tuesday and spam the everliving crap out of the chat with this issue. Sorry not sorry, absolutely sick of bugs being ignored.


Yeah, it looks crazy bad. Something I’d expect from a 2008 grindfest-type mmo.

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Don’t tell them man, it’s cool! I think it happens when you transmog the skull separately of the dagger, and transmog the dagger as the full legion artifact. Though, I don’t think that’s totally true. I sent a report some time ago, back at the final patch of DF, but nothing was done so…

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I am in agreement haha, I also enjoy the two heads. I’d be worried they tried to “fix” it and end up stopping his nice little banter he has with me!

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I can’t understand how you guys like it when the way it moves is so janky. The bobbing up and down when I run drives me crazy. I’m sorry but it looks absolutely ridiculous. A bug is a bug and bugs need to be squashed.


Why hasn’t this been fixed? Like do they not check their own bug reports? I know some people think it’s ‘cool’, but it didn’t feel cool to be doing Legion, grab my artifact, and then have a janky, off kilter skull following me around. It looks REALLY bad for Blizzard to have what is supposed to be the ‘top MMO’ with a glitch like this that people are complaining about. Totally makes it seem like they do not care about us as players, their own bug reporting system, or even doing basic maintenance on the game. So glad I decided to come back.