Skipping mobs?

So what’s the deal with players skipping mobs, wiping then start kicking because the healer dies. If you can’t deal with your shortcuts, then do not do them. Blizzard should enforce players to do the entire map to combat this. Why have mobs if no ones going to do them?


i almost feel like the game should do trials akin to ffxiv. no mobs, just fight the boss straight up as you load. ppl dont wanna fight trash mobs of any kind, they just want to dps race the boss lol.


Or maybe players should learn to read prompts in front of them, rather than mindlessly clicking “Yes” on the vote-to-kick question.

Mobs that are not required to complete a dungeon are irrelevant. The only time I could see a benefit is if the group is still getting experience and/or the tank is chain-pulling enough to make the experience worth it.

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What experience? If it’s EXP even in leveling they skip mobs anyway LOL. You know how many times my dumb tanks get yelled at for skipping mobs in leveling? In Halls they will literally skip 3+ of the bosses if it means they can leave, those bosses give upgrades. Why even do dungeons or play the content when your actively trying to skip it? Need to make these mandatory and ditching gives a 1 hour debuff if you don’t fight every boss.

Cataclysm is very close to Retail so the mentality from there to here is pretty much the same, yet players wonder why they’re bored of everything because they rush or skip content. :clown_face:

I already responded to this.

If you don’t like how the current pool of tanks does dungeons, why don’t you tank?

LOL. My goodness, that’s weak.

See op…when they nerfed fabric collection this probably took a nose dive.

In cata I don’t hate full clears. Even my smith…can get fabric. to feed my tailor. a mob loaded dungeon lots of it.

With retail killing this if I played it still…I’d vote for skip too. If my LW/skinner has no fabric coming in, there is no point to the extra mob kills.

I like others like to be compensated in some way for my time. 16 fabrics? I’ll take that. More if I can get it, even better.

edit: my bad. thought this was a retail thread. meh leave it.

Now if a lost city rant…I’ll give you that. Only because someone messes it up and now…we clean them out anyway lol.

Blizzard enforcing playing the way some people want will prevent some other people from playing the way they want.

They do seem to have done these things in the past, and in my opinion, it is a negative. My vote would be to not have Blizzard enforce such things.

They added a reward incentive for players to complete all bosses in Inferno dungeons. That’s a reasonable direction, in my opinion.


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I hate skipping so much. I’m not sure why people are queuing for dungeons if they don’t want to do the dungeon. I have fun healing but if every dungeon is just all of us running along the edge of every room skipping everything but 2 bosses I get to do nothing all dungeon

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I just got kicked because I didn’t want to skip a boss in Throne of the Tides.

Spot on Blizzard, spot on.

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The reward points, the xp reward if leveling.

also they may be settled on their server and don’t need the drops.

I’ve found this irksome with the latest grobb experiment. I get many there are rich. they don’t need every crap item drop. But…I do.

For me…its a semi fresh start. I get BOA looms and mounts, and thats it. So initially I did need every copper I could get my hands on.

I resolved with a token on price surge one night. Not how I’d normally want to do that. But when even cheap boe was out of my price range, I went to token sale.

I could have sold my skins…but needed crafting materials for the LW. I have grander schemes in life than to refarm all those skins at level cap. Or rebuy off the AH tbh lol.

They’re called trash for a reason and if you grief a group trying to save time by skipping trash then why are you surprised they kicked you?

Because that is how you farm Valor Points to buy gear with. By the way as a healer if there’s nothing to heal you can just use your damage spells to speed things up.

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cataclysm is nothing like retail, stop using buzzwords you have no clue what they mean

That may not be what happened. Just an example: In the Lost City of the Tol’vir, you kill the first boss. Then you skip trash to the second boss. When you are leaving you cross the bridge going West from the Oasis of the Fallen Prophet. There is a pack of Pygmy mobs on the west end of that bridge. If you think you are a go-hard tank and you are going to skip that pack as part of the next skip, you are in for a rude awakening. Those mobs switch targets and poison random players, and will likely get at least one person who isn’t the tank. That poison is strong enough to drop my 372 frost DK before I can make it across the bridge at the south end of The Trapper’s Enclave.


Nice assumptions, :clown_face:. The fellow above me is correct. It’s after the alligator boss, you run through that small area and go to a safe spot. You get knocked off if you aren’t right on the tanks tail because of the daze effect and you’re dead. So why should players be kicked because the tank is bad and skipping adds and wipes? Sounds like they’re the one causing grief. No wonder people are dropping Tol’vir. I had 5 people drop right before that point. I guess I’ll be reporting tanks now.

I know some people consider them to be very different, while other consider them to be quite similar. I have trouble sometimes knowing which game I’m logged into, if I’m in Org in either. However, I feel that there are enough similarities and there are enough differences that both views are valid.


Because these dungeons are long as it is skipping trash saves time. Its bad enough people get mad when you skip bosses when just trying to valor cap.

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Skipping trash pulls and skipping bosses are two completely different issues.

Lol we are the point where most raiders are just there for valor so the extra frags are not needed. Why waste more time when the frags are not needed? both save time.

If you don’t want to waste time, make your own group like every other raider has been doing. Trying to hijack RDF groups isn’t going to get you anywhere.

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Not all deem it hijacking.

Pvp’ers who have to pve since this is the wow way…we tend to not complain much. Half the time we are jsut happy no one is spazzing over pvp gear. We want the run, as painless as possible.

If in a crew where 4 out of 5 aren’t ranting…you found a crew that isn’t caring one way or the other.

Or kill em all for full clears can also make own group. that goes both ways.

Or be the tank lol. And declare intentions at start. Even in leveling I have seen this.

I’ve gotten tanks going dudes…I want full BRD, so its happeneing. Enjoy the full tour, don’t enjoy it but be quiet about it, or leave.