How do we level 1-300 skinning past 250 if level 30 corpses go grey at 250, and there are no skinnable mobs over 30 on the base continents? I’ve got to be missing something here but this is the same situation from Eastern Plaguelands to Un’goro, lol
Blasted lands and Silithus have the highest level skin drops, have you tried either of those zones?
You’re not the only one seeing this.
Just tried Silithus, the corpses are grey there too. Lmao
same issue here.
I doubt we will see a fix before SL drops on 11/23.
I did notice that Outland and Northrend still grant skillups on grey corpses but haven’t tried again with EK/Kalimdor since posting this
For now you need to fight mobs higher than 30. This will require chromie time one way or another. If you are 50, you can still party sync into it.
Hopefully they will fix it, because it seems like a bug with the mob levels right?
I mean, I hope they do, if it takes party synch I probably just won’t do it. Solo player, even my guild is just my alts. I get that I’m in the extreme minority as an MMO player on this one but it’d still be nice if it could be fixed.
Go to Darkmoon Faire for next 10 months or until they fix it, I guess? That really is bizarre. lol
You can still just do it alone with a second account. Now that allied races are unlocked for free, you wouldn’t even need a subscription or any purchase at all to have access to doing this.
I’m not sure what you mean, here. Can you simultaneously log into the same account in two instances of WoW as long as you have a main race and an allied race character, or what?
Edit: Wait, wait. And they’re unlocked for free, now? So, say: I have VE and LF unlocked, manually, via quest chain, but no one else. So now if I were to log in and try to roll a Kul Tiran upfront, I could? Or are you referring to the fact that the rep prereq has been removed?
Talking about having two accounts. You used to need to purchase battle for azeroth to use allied races but now they are free and will be unlocked by default for any accounts attached to your main one.
Yeah, I don’t really understand how this is pertinent to the question of leveling skinning though? Feels kind of like things leaped to an unrelated topic but hey, I just woke up.
You get a second account and use it to party sync yourself into chromie time.
Your need a level 10 or higher to do this, which an allied race starts at.
So for no additional cost or time you can do this whenever you want alone.
Ah, right, okay. Cool, then. Thanks for explaining
Or they could just fix the game. Yeah let’s go with that… lol.
that would be all to easy.
do the core hounds in mc give anything?
Nope core hounds are grey too
The hotfix notes for November 17 list that they fixed skinning so it can be leveled to 300 again, so those of you who were stuck on this might want to take another look.
- Skinning can now be leveled to 300 in outdoor Classic zones.