Skeleton despawn timer

Please keep skeletons of dead players despawn timer accurate to Vanilla. Witnessing a blanket of bones after a city raid, or any large scale battle adds to the immersion greatly (imo).

From my understanding, based on the classic Demo, skeletons were despawning similar to a Retail BFA rate.

I’d love to see this feature be preserved in classic. #nochanges :woozy_face:


I never paid attention to stuff like that, how long was the despawn in Vanilla?

Long enough for you to notice for sure. It was very obvious when you encountered a large PvP battlefield. It was a dark omen usually indicating you were about to be murdered.


It’s fun to guess what skeleton belongs to what race too.

It’s like when you roll up into an area all blitzed, you become a tracker…

Talking to party in discord *Batman voice “there was a skirmish here” moves to small skeleton “Looks like someone got the better of this Gnome.” Glances to the right “That Tauren was taken out as well” stands and scans area with eyes. "We had better keep moving befo… " rogue stealth noise.


Agreed, leave our skeletons alone

What is dead may never die.


I really long time. I’d honestly be surprised if it was less than a week.

Please leave the skeletons authentic to Vanilla. Also let’s not forget about the corpses. Those stayed a long time too if a player logged off without rezzing. I miss seeing the corpse graffiti out in the world. I’ll forever remember the dead Tauren in front of Stormwind named Gnomeburger that was there for what seemed like weeks after I started playing back in Vanilla.


I have no idea, but I want long despawn timers.


Corpse graffiti agreed!

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I always wondered how that functioned…

It seemed like if people logged out when they were dead, their body would stay there, for a very long time.

I feel like the skeletons would stay there until the next server maintenance.


This is a complete guess based on nothing more than what I think, but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t ~12 hours. I only say this because I remember questing in stv all day and there being a layer of snow colored skeletons around the camp ALLLLL day.


Make the skeleton despawn timer great again.


Does anyone have footage of the despawn timer as it was in vanilla? I remember it being 5 minutes… prove me wrong.


Close enough, I’m wanting to say they remained until the next sever reset. But I’m not entirely certain that was so.

My best recollection is that they lasted ~5-10 minutes after the player resurrected, or until the next server reset if they stayed dead the whole time.

You’re not remembering Vanilla. I remember running past my own skeletons hours after the fact.

Edit: And that is probably the other part of the equation. The skeleton remains until the next server reset, or until the character that skeleton belongs to dies somewhere else. I think you were also “allowed” more than one skeleton, so they wouldn’t despawn quite so quickly.


I have no idea, but I remember launch night of TBC. There were more alliance and horde bones lying around both zones than there were bone textures on the Path to Glory.


Imagine what it’d look like in kul tiras and zandalar invasions if the timer was 24 hours. That’d be so great.

This is one of those little things that I absolutely hope they get right.

I don’t know how long the skeletons stayed, but it was definitely way, way longer than what it is on live now. You could actually tell if there was a massive battle, just from the skeletons littered on the ground.

Some people say the skeletons didn’t reset until server reset. I’m not totally sure that’s accurate, but I wouldn’t complain if it was the case. Skeletons on the ground signified a dangerous area. Like a warning. It’s great


I 100% agree with this. I remember the first time I went to Tarren Mill. When I arrived, there was a literal field of skeletons between TM and SS. The battle had already ended and there were very few people still hanging around but it was very clear that there had been an epic battle earlier.

This NEEDS to be preserved in Classic. A city after a raid needs to look like a city that has just been raided!