Skeleton despawn timer

That might be it. Maybe it was some minutes after you created another skeleton, instead of after you resurrected.

If you see skeletons you know something went down.

Or someone is nearby.

I believe in current retail, you can only have like 2-3 skeletons Max, from one player until they start to despawn. I always felt like In vanilla the number of skeletons per player was MUCH higher and it took them a long time to despawn, hours at least.

Ps. Happy to see this getting attention! This is a huge deal that could easily be looked over.

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#NoChanges. I have a thing for skeletons :skull::skull_and_crossbones:

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“How do you kill that which has no life?”. :sunglasses:


Help it find life.

Keep the dream
Alive! #nochanges

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It’s entirely probable that this will be back in Classic, assuming it’s part of the 1.12 data Blizzard is copy/pasting into 7.3.5 and trying to make fit.

Let’s hope this is the case! It would be nice to know for sure :thinking: :thinking: