Hoping someone can help me out. My sister and I have returned back to Classic, more excited than ever to relive our childhood. We both download and purchase subscriptions (I purchased the monthly and she purchased the 3 month sub). Wehn we first started out, we noticed she could not trade. The game was saying, Free Accounts cannot perform this action… again, we purchased our subscriptions. Its been 68 hours now and she cannot trade certain Items (i.e. alchemy potions she crafts, and items that drop that are NOT soulbound), and she still cant operate in the AH. This is EXTREMELY UPSETTING and is ruining her experience and I’m looking to see how I can help her!! I feel like I cant trust or rely on Battle Support tickets, because I had an old ticket resolved-- 6 MONTHS LATER. HELP PLEASE!!
There’s a blue post about this, unstickied and buried deep within the Season of Discovery forum.
I’m not saying that I agree with this move but this is likely what’s happening with your accounts.
That’s so crazy and BRUTAL… So she seemingly has to wait 1 whole payment month to deem her “an actual player”?? That’s what it sounds like to me? And she purchased a 3 month too >:/ Thank you for the quick response
Correct. It’s definitely not a great thing for a new or returning after a long-time player experience.
There should be more information too, upfront.
I agree and I feel for you guys. The intent was to combat bots, while the impact on bots has yet to be reported on, the impact on actual people seems quite severe.
I would highly suggest you leave feedback. Unfortunately there’s no real place for that on the forums… weirdly, the WoW devs use Twitter for these things instead of their in-house forums. If you wanted to let the team know how these policies have impacted you and your sister, post to both of these places.
Thank you for the Twitter links, I’ll be sure to share my voice
Said to be a tool in stopping botting, but hasn’t stopped botting.
Seems to impact real players, returning to the game, more than anything.
You can’t even trade conjured items like water, food, etc.? That’s a bad look by the Blizzard development team, to be that far off the mark, and to leave it broken for that long.
Why are people, who are returning to the game, creating new accounts? What’s wrong with their old one?
My friend reactivated her old account and got hit with the restriction, I think she last played like warlords of draenor launch
There’s an in-game suggestion/feedback system, as well. For those of us who don’t have twitter nor a sub/game time to post it on these forums.
If you have paid and are past the point of being able to get a refund, it’s complete lunacy to restrict the account at that point, am I wrong?
Another change to Era no one asked for
it’s probably to get people to put their hands up in the air and say screw this game and forget about their sub. Blizz does a lot of things to promote people forgetting their subbed. Making them stop wanting to play is a strategy there.
You should still put in a ticket and mention her name and server. Submit it from her account on the blizz website, too.
That blue post has an editing error in literally the first line, and several more…
What a tone deaf clownshow…
This is a constant theme by the dev team…
Have you tried the Customer Support forum?
You can’t even mail stuff to your alt characters in the same account, it’s honestly baffling to think that some dev thought the new player experience should be playing on ironman mode for an entire month, way to attract new/returning players Blizzard!
The same thing happened to me on a really old account that I hadn’t played for like 10 years. Apparently it was so old that in Blizzard’s eyes it went full circle to being new.
I thought “let’s give Blizzard a chance” and for my faith I was rewarded with a swift kick in the groin. I even had a friend trade me some gold to a bank alt only to discover I couldn’t even mail it to myself! I honestly can’t remember a time I was so mad over pixels. Though I guess it wasn’t just pixels- I wasted 15 dollars on it.
Whoever made this decision needs to find a new line of work - most businesses LIKE new customers (or returning very old ones) they don’t try to make their experience miserable.
I didnt mind the fact they were trialing something anti-botting but I think its time to say trial failed, we’ll get 'em next time. Unless some behind the scenes data says otherwise, which I unfortunately doubt, since botters can easily throttle accounts
Same here- my very old account got hit. And I know Blizzard knows it’s an old account, not a new one, since in my “recent purchases” on the account page it shows my current prescription and, before that, a 2014 character transfer I paid for.
If Blizzard is looking for some very low-hanging fruit to fix, they could address the old account issue. Because if the worry is about botters just making some new account after getting banned, that obviously doesn’t apply to an account that was subscribed and active from like 2008 until 2014 in my case.