Siren Isle/Citrine Ring skip for alts?

Do I have to do this on every character? Is there a skip available?

I did the skip on an alt and had only access to one gem, and no quests to get others that I am aware of.


which skip?

The first part about making the ring.

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was there a dialouge option for it? and so now you’re just stuck without 2 gem slots on em?

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Yes I am, I’m stuck.

The citrines after the first one are randomly dropped from the events that everyone works toward on the map in the middle of camp. The skip doesn’t miss out on them

I will try that.


Get off the transport and I think you need to hand in one quest and go to next and there is a skip.


You can purchase the gems from various vendors after that point either on an alt or your main as they are Warbound.

Gems were available on the second character I ran through after doing it all on a different one.


exactly what i was looking for. thank you

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What I have found:

This is on the 3rd character I have taken, this character I am posting on, who used the above skip. Did it all on my Pally first.


Should get access to more soon.

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Your main likely has enough of the new currency to buy all 3 missing citrines and simply mail them to your alts (they are warbound) or put them in the warbank for your alts to pickup.

It’s dumb that you have to “unlock” citrines on alts, but that’s what’s currently in place, but there’s a workaround if your main has enough currency to just buy them for your alts. Also (I guess for mains), all the gems will become immediately available Soon™ rather than be spread out over weeks.


In my alt after I did the skip, I got the ring and one gem, plus I could buy other gems. But I got them real quick by just doing the events.

As well all quests showed on map.

This is handy info to have. Thank you.

I did the skip on Bargus quest and all he gave me were 2 gem stones, I did not get the ring on my alt. I finished the rest of the questlines and daily’s, but still have not gotten the ring.


Please understand.

There is absolutely no way blizzard could have foreseen someone having alts, or wanting to skip a boring tutorial questline.


LOL! Others still seem to have gotten the ring after skipping it…not sure why I haven’t yet.
I’ll try to figure it out.


I also didn’t get the ring, just a couple gems. Seems like it’s bugged. Wonderful.

Huh? I was able to do it once and then skip it in all my alts. Got the ring and one gem. Bought the missing gems on my main and sent it to all my alts had plenty of currency

Just buy the gems on your main and put them in your war band bank.

The only quest you have to do is the new weekly to upgrade to 645, takes 3 mins.