Siren Isle/Citrine Ring skip for alts?

I can’t even start it on alts for some reason

I was fine getting the ring on 6 different alts and buying/sending all the gems to my alts, but how to I level up the ring on my alts? do I have to do the questline on all my alts for the Raw Singing Citrine? If so what’s the point of the skip in the first place?

Ok, I figured it out… Do the quest “Dipping a Toe” and grab the “Peak Precision” quest to make your life easier getting around.

I have already unlocked the ring and gems on my main but I am not getting this alt skip option by the NPC on my other alts… is there something am missing?

I’m not sure.

Did you accept the quest in Dornagol on the alt? Hand that in, accept the next one, Take the transport, hand that in, you get sent to Bargus and the skip is right there?

I’ve done my 4th character already.

I will say that I had done the entire storyline that was available at that point (on the first character I ran through) this was over 11 days ago.

This is just now:

This give your alts the ring, an upgrade item and a gem, you still need to collect all the others by either doing the activities or use your main. Then you can go about all the activities on the island, I’d definitely do “Dipping A Toe” from Apprentice Tanmar also.

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Yeah I’m on my third alt and just don’t even get the option to skip anything from Bargus. It’s just not even there at all lol

I’m not sure what to say except perhaps report it as a bug? I’m having no issues on my alts so far :crossed_fingers:

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