Siren Isle Shuddering Hollow Event Bugged

  • Activate the EVENT
  • wait for event to FAIL
  • Have 3-4 ppl able to contribute to the EVENT AGAIN
  • when EVENT is UP AGAIN
  • pull the boss with PETS THROUGH THE DOOR
  • Kill Boss

Added the “DONT BE IN RAID” requisite

i got the Citrine just now after a few failed attempts. What seemed to work was:

100% have to get the kill when your Bonus Objective says Shuddering Hollow.
Pulled through the rock wall by a hunter/warlock pet.
If you’re fighting him and the Bonus Objective disappears then he is bugged and needs to be reset.

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And anyone who can get a large cross faction weekend crowd who all need this gem to do all that deserves an achievement with a legendary.

Tried 6 times today, bugged every time. Way to go blizzard QA.


You have to have the bonus objective under your quest objectives to get a gem. We had to reset and re-pull the boss like 3-4 times before we finally got the objective to stick. You may need a hunter/warlock to pull through the wall. It sucks but I have my gems now.

I’ve heard from some they got lucky but this should not be about luck of where the boss dies. I honestly don’t understand why this has not been fixed. It’s been an issue since the start of this patch.

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Still bugged

Finally got the gem this morning. The event started while I was some distance away and I got there when the boss was down to about 30%.

I have no idea what might have been a factor; only glad to have got it done after trying for three days.

Still bugging out, have tried a ton of different strategies. Very frustrating. Just add all the gems to the vendor at this point. Not like the excavations are even remotely challenging or interesting content.

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Im not able to get the fathomdweller’s gem from the event. i got the stormbringers after a few attempts but have killed/contributed ect the event and get nothing.

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The fact that two of my BiS gems are from this event is extremely annoying. After multiple tries I finally got the first one (Stormbringer’s Runed) only to need to go back there again for Fathomdweller’s. This really needs to be fixed.

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damn blizzard go fix it fast!!!

Welcome to beta. We’re the testers.

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Try telling everyone to tank it in the back left corner. Horde and alliance players both need to call it out. I’ve been in groups that have tried the back right corner and nothing dropped. The most common outcome is you’ll have ranged at the cave entrance who get targeted by the charge.

So, the issue looks to be the bonus objective quest disappearing for some reason, and tanking the boss outside the cave seems to prevent this. Not sure the fix here, but maybe just rotate the gems to the other events that aren’t bugged? Maybe add the gems to the loot table of the boss? At least give us a blue post that you are looking into this?

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I was able to get the gem last night, but on alts I’ve been experiencing this bug. I have it on this toon, but I can’t buy it on an alt yet? Make it make sense

Shuddering Hollow World Quest randomly disappears on the map.

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Bonus objective keeps disappearing for Shuddering Hollow and The Drowned Lair. Unable to complete either of them for the rewards.


I’ve specifically tried to complete Shuddering Hollow for the last two and a half hours, and each time the “cave is collapsing” message shows and the quest POI disappears with no loot after killing the boss.

why this wasn’t done in the first place is a massive L.


It worked for me in the back left corner. Everyone was in that corner when I got the gem.