Trinkets have always been in the game and are generally not super game breaking outside of the random Spy masters, and even that requires awareness on the palyers behalf and to make sure you pull the dungeon around spy master stacks.
No minor ring effects are nearly as game breaking as whatever this garbage is. .5% - 1% of your damage tops.
Tier sets have always been in the game and are either a nominal bonus, or actively evolve your rotation in some kind of way. Tier sets that change how you ahve to play / gear to take advantage of them are healthy for the game. A ring that does 15% of your damage or healing because your computer is turned on isn’t.
If you’re referring to this tiers cloak…again, nominal at best. By no means neccessary to do any content in the game. Plenty of rank 1 M+ players do not have this cloak.
Anything else you want to be wrong about? Do I need to even look up your lack of achievement in this game because of how abundantly clear it is by this post?
Forcing players to do content they aren’t interseted in so they can lose up to 5000 of their best secondary stat, making their play experience feel worse, while they are randomly more powerful because this ring is game breaking isn’t remotely in the same universe as any of the garbage you just tried to compare it to.
If you want to force players to wear this ring, why are you removing 2ndary stats from it? Why do I have to make my character feel noticably worse so I can play this trash? Put 2nd stat on it and it’s not nearly as bad of a choice.
Randomly desecrating the ladders integrity with this trash 3/4 of the way through the season is also gross.
BlizZard decided to go all in with the seasons model for PVE but they can’t expect to inject this ring mid season and expect people to be okay with this.
Imagine if they put a PVP ring in the middle of a season that will last into the next season 2 for PVP. Most PVP players would not be happy about that at all.
Most normal gear from season 1 will carry you into season 2 as you upgrade naturally.
This ring is an abomination as it really undermines players efforts for season 1. And players are uncertain on what they need to plan to do for season 2 with the ring. Because if the ring is nerfed again in lets say patch 11.1 that is going to be wrong to rug pull players like this…AGAIN.
What ? LOL plenty of trinkets for several classes are game changers.
ANY piece that grants stats is a borrowed power item, plain and simple, you take it off and you dont have them.
Not having borrowed power is like when we level up, your atributes increase no matter what you’re using for gear. So basically a toon naked has ZERO borrowed power.
No one is saying broken trinekts aren’t bad for the game; they are. But they have always existed and generally are a nominal power increase. Things like spy masters aren’t ok.
A ring that is going to contribute 10-25% of your damage and healing while you do nothing but pay the internet bill? While I lose 2nd stats for it? How do you defend this?