Siren Isle is a Big Miss

Blizzard you could of actually did something nice with this island but instead we got this poor excuses you call content that took a whole 10mins to do and we have to go back to it once a week for 8 weeks.

What you should have done is turn the island into a raid. Three Boss with the 3 cave bosses. We are raiding the island for this ring and gems could have actually made it a raid where people spend more than 5mins a week on a wasted piece of content that probably took longer to make than we spend on it.

Just a flat-out waste of content


I find it pretty stale also. The ring does not do much and there isn’t anything to spend the new currency on that I care about. I do not go clothes shopping much in real life and transmog is the same in WOW. So if all there is to buy is transmog it is pretty lame.

It would be way cooler if the ring was awesome and if every week when I upgraded it it let me jump up another level in M+. You would have my attention and gratitude if something like that came from the island.


The ring is bis, wdym?

I just finished 100% of the content on the island this morning. All rewards, meta, mounts, etc. etc.

It was not fun. At all.

Too many things required mindless grinding of mobs waiting for a 0.01% drop chance.

Currently #1 on my list of worse patch releases to date.


A few herb or mine nodes on the island wouldn’t hurt.


Why would making it a raid make things better

No where close to the selfie patch.


Its literally a mini patch… I wasnt expect a new season content when they bring on a new map and story…


You need more raid content? Did you already get Cutting Edge Queen Ansurek?

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This isn’t even a major patch, is the thing. But people are judging it like it is.

There are several candidates for ‘worst patch ever’.

These were MAJOR content patches, and were worse:
Patch 2.2 - Voice Chat!

Patch 5.3 - Escalation

Also patch 5.1, whose only saving grace was brawler’s guild.


It gives me a silly ring and stuff to do to keep my sub active, so they win.

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2-3 boss raids were common in past Expansion. They stopped doing it in Shadowlands because of the mass exodes at blizzard. Once that Lawsuit for Sexually Harassment hit them the creativity for this game died. Its main patch and then nothing else till the next season where past Expansion they gave out mini raids as fillers.

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Not really. More of an occasional thing.

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Oh how they forget so quickly…

But let’s be honest. Every mid season patch is rated as the new “worst” lol. Remember all the anniversary posts calling it the worst? :joy:


Yep not fun at all.
What is a game again?

It’s the live service model. Retail is garbage these days and I don’t think they can come back from it unless Midnight throws everything out and starts from scratch.

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Small mess. It’s probably the tiniest “catch up” zone they’ve ever released. Even without flying.

Idk, I enjoyed it for what it is. The zone is pretty chill


I’m sure if they made it a Westfall clone, like Hallowfall, everyone on this forum would be singing its praises.

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Speaking of Hallowfall, why the hell is the evil empire on the new island, and in charge?

I log in, do whatever stupid chore they want me to do to upgrade the stupid ring, and leave. I have the transmogs I want and don’t care about the mount, so I have no reason to stay. I don’t care about getting flying there because there’s nothing to fly to, so who cares? Just a total waste. I just use it for the welfare epics when I have an alt ding 80.