Sira Moonwarden & becoming Forsaken

I mean, maybe? We do know that Azerite amplifies someone and their emotions as well I believe. So it could be something similar, however that is sort of doubtful considering the Frostmourne and Nerzhul were something entirely different from Azerite.

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People aren’t expecting the entire story to be immediately laid out in front of them. What they are expecting, and quite reasonably so, is that the story Blizzard has put out to make sense within the confines of the world Blizzard has put out. Sira and Delaryn joining Sylvanas without question and of their own free will DOES NOT make sense within the confines of the world as we’ve been shown - and Blizzard has done absolutely nothing but support the idea that this was done under their own volition. Good writing would have left people guessing, and left some mystery, or shown some indecision/conflict with the choice. This scenario did neither. Blizzard hasn’t put out any vagueness or ambiguity about what has happened - quite the contrary, they have made it point to (again badly written) mitigate the possibility that this wasn’t a choice made by the characters (example, Nathanos stating he and the Valkyr would “raise the willing”). Also, your own example of “one bad apple” further strengthens the argument this doesn’t make sense as the entire Horde would be filled with bad apples. You’re essentially saying that if you can’t stand one or two pieces of rotten fruit, jumping head first into sewage is reasonable.


While again as I’ve stated before I do sometimes feel that Blizzard often isn’t the worlds best at conveying things, they have displayed a few number of things that have shown uncertainty to the Horde. When you click on multiple newly born Dark Rangers that are Kaldorei their VA’s sound very distressed and unsure how to handle their undeath. Same with a line that Delaryn says that seems slightly unsure how she feels, it went along the lines of “I feel…nothing.” Or something like that (I’m not currently near her so I can’t cite verbatim so I apologize). Another thing she states that makes it seem it is unlikely she’s going to stay with the horde fully is, “I am on your side for now.” (again can’t quote it verbatim but it’s along those lines).

This shows that to some degree, they have obvious plans of not exactly staying with the Horde. Something that wasn’t shown fully, but is displayed if you click on them anyway. I believe that fits more along the lines of keep your friends close and your enemies closer. It could very be an Anti-Forsaken plot but still taking out people that she feels discontent with and feels that have abandoned their people entirely.

A lot of the BFA story line has been just bad writing. I mean take the entire assault upon the Undercity. I mean who in their right minds would attack what is essentially a plague product factor without thinking you should probably have a plan to counter it?!?

It is just bad writing, don’t try to make sense out of it…


You’re coming off as rather desperate to defend poor writing/development. Sorry but I’ve heard a lot of similar things being said to defend the lack of development of the Void Elf culture when they were introduced. “They were just created”, “they’ll show us more in the future”. All this time later, the only thing we’ve seen of the Void Elves is them helping out in campaigns, not cultural or racial development. “Might be” and “could be” tend to be left for conjecture and for someone else to deal with years down the road. Historically, if Blizzard doesn’t show us story development right away, it doesn’t happen.

Even “I feel…nothing” or “I am on your side for now” doesn’t make the writing any better or make the choice make sense. Keep in mind, I can totally grant them turning away Tyrande, Elune, etc, but there is not context or even the hint of context for them to turn TO Sylvanas and the Horde. Egads, all that’s necessary for this to be improved would have been for the Kaldorei who were raised to mention how they feel the would never be welcome among the living, or speak some random craziness about how they feel their undeath is a blessing and they want to bring it to the rest of their people. Instead, Sira and Delaryn just unceremoniously jump into a boat with Nathanos, the most trusted lieutenant of the person who killed them, and left. Going back to parallels with Sylvanas and Arthas (which Blizz has said is INTENTIONAL), it would be the same as Sylvanas being raised with free will, and without any hesitation at all setting the torch to Silvermoon herself. It doesn’t add up.


A bit sad two people can’t have a simple conversation on how they feel that they view things differently on a storyline without one calling someone “desperate” simply because they view the story not at all that unclear/poop compared to the other person. The void elf storyline was shoehorned and everyone knew this. It was given to the Alliance simply because Blizzard was tired of the High Elf business and didn’t want to give them High Elves, but clearly knew that there needed to be something that would be considered a compromise because of this. As a result they simply did Void elves, everyone knows that this was probably something last minute and therefore there’s no lore on them at all. Annoying, but still completely irrelevant to this storyline in general.

Again, I’ve agreed that they’re not the best at conveying all information to people in game as people would like, so I’m not sure how this is me desperately defending something when I’m simply stating that in my very own opinion this isn’t some barely planned out storyline if it’s clear they’ve given people some stuff to go off of. Whether it makes sense is up to the player/reader itself.

And again, I think you’ve missed the point I was trying to make when you say there’s no context to go to Sylvanas and the Horde. When I point out that she states she’s on their side for now, it’s evident that in her head it’s more than likely a two birds with one stone ordeal. And I’m well aware that the parallels are very similar with Sylvanas and Arthas, that much they’ve made extremely obvious to everyone. The only thing we aren’t certain on is what they plan to do with Sira and Delaryn.

Once more I’ll point out that everything I’ve said has simply been my own opinion on the story, and I don’t mind how they’re taking it what so ever. If you disagree then that’s fine, you’re allowed to have your own opinion just as I am.

This is one of the things that annoyed me and prompted me to write this post. I’m just doing the Darkshore warfront and there is a conversation going on between Maiev and Sira.

Maiev says: “You are a Warden no longer, Sira. You have abandoned everything we stood for.”

Sira responds with: “It is you who abandoned us, Maiev. You burdened me with everything in your absence.”

So…what, she revoked her place as a Warden, a protector, because Maiev gave her too much work to do?

Even to my generally willing-to-suspend-disebelief stand, that’s a bit too much.



Took the words right out of my mouth.

what do you mean should…already there on the horde DH. I do WQ’s in Drustvar only now for honorable caches since it eases my conscience. Rest of the zones…unless I really want that reward…nope.

Not even sure why the hell I am here. DH’s don’t do faction based on our bad attitude screw you all lore. Its not like we are alliance fans either. Our leader fried Xe’Ra which several alliance people jsut loved us for that ffs. We don’t play well with others lol.

And is actually in theme for me. Demon, demon followers…lets tack on witches too. Close enough for me. I basically have the horde DH who is a the wannabe inquisitor. She can’t have the title like this alliance one does…but yeah, my horde DH is no less a witch hunter than her.

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I think your giving Blizzard a little to much credit. They have never really shown that kind of subtlety with the story telling in World of Warcraft. They’re just not good enough at it.

If there is going to be an anti-Forsaken plot though, I doubt that there is, but if so, then how bad does that make Sylvanas look for so blindingly accepting them into the fold.

If they really are all in with the Horde though, then once again it is just bad story telling, because it’s just not believable.

Also, back to the Night Elves and humanity thing, I will just say again that they are not Humans. They don’t think the same, they don’t act the same, so I cannot ascribe the basic tenants of humanity to them. If I go into a situation with a Night Elf, I am not going to try and use humanity to try and figure out how and why they are going to act or react.

That is not to say that they are not basically good, they are, but goodness and humanity do not always go hand in hand.

Darkshore by far has some of the worst hack writing that I’ve ever seen. Sira and Delaryn getting upset because Tyrande wasn’t there to hold there hands during the fight is bad writing. They’ve fought battles before without Tyrande present. Sure the writers could have written in other figures to aid Malfurion but didn’t . Now they try to argue that the new troll city raid is payback for Teldrassil. Yet Tyrande didn’t want to attack Zandalar she wanted help reclaiming darkshore. The nightelves aren’t even participating in the Zandalar raid. Sira , Delaryn and others turning against there own still doesn’t make sense and lots of players see that. You can’t come in here whiteknighting in defense of alex and danuser with there hack writing. It won’t work. Other alliance races could have aided the nightelves, but no the writers are at fault for that. They had majority of horde races with the battle of darkshore present. Showing that some how the hordes forces weren’t spread thin. Yet the alliance forces were claimed to have been. Genn and the worgen could have aided them. Yet this is all because the writers. This is beyond garbage writing and hope Alex and Danuser are next to leave . I would be so happy if Activision made this happen.


It doesn’t make sense , she joined the person who basically killed all her loved ones, her home, her heritage - It like me killing your family and we become best buds the next day … :joy::joy:


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Of course they have free will. They didn’t have to become undead. They could have rejected the offer and stay in wisp form. Once they are undead they can pledge to the Forsaken. The writing has just been bad this expansion.

With all the youtube videos of activision cutting cost and pushing employees to leave. One can only hope that the writers are forced to leave. So we can get someone else that sticks to wow lore and doesn’t retcon. Because darkshore story is that bad.

She yells that elune will watch the players burn like she watched the tree burn. So she has her memories which makes it inconsistent overall.

Now maybe maybe sylvanas does control her will but it’s weird when she needs to torture derek to subdue his will and that takes time while with this character it’s instant apparently as the moon is still black so tyrande just started or is right after her vengeance mission…

Or maybe this is after the derek stuff and sylvanas gained more power by the souls of teldrasil she sent to the maw.

All they had to do is put a line as if she is aware but not in control of her actions, like kill me or free me smth like that…

But overall i lean more to just poor storytelling.

I’d honestly be happier if I didnt need a series of novels to not go wtf happened here in the game.

It would certainly be…surprising to raise Nathanos from the dead and immediately he’s like ‘hey Alliance we have to fight the Horde right now’. Not that I or anyone would actually want Nathanos on our side.