She may not be a point specific commander, but she is a notable fight. But like all the notable characters in the Warfronts, we don’t have a clear indication of which ones die, are wounded but survive, or walk away uninjured.
We used Mountain Giants and Chimera against the Legion. We duct tape demons to ourselves to get extra power. Or call upon our goddess to help us smite foes. We make buddies with Ancients and Titans.
I’m not suggesting we just Leeroy Jenkins the witch (though with the power we have, we could do that canonically, Sylvanas knew she’d be crushed by Malfurion and Tyrande together BEFORE the Night Warrior stuff). I’m suggesting that Night Elves are powerful, vengeful, and live a long time. Little miss “immortality through undeath” may think she’s invincible, but she’s not. Any more than the Dark Titan was.
Because “the writers” need more time to come up with what he reasons were.
But, again, her reasons seem pretty clear in the Warfront.
I’m not as convinced, you’d do a lot of things if you wanted people to be ‘assured’ of your loyalty, particularly if it was misplaced. This is why the adage ‘never trust a traitor’ exists. If someone has committed treason once, they can commit it again.
A person’s experiences and choices during their life influence their perceptions. It all makes them into the person that they eventually become. If being raised into undeath alters and skews those perceptions, it is basically making all of those life experiences null and void. Altering your ways of thinking is a form of mind control in my opinion.
Most people, I would like to think, would refuse the dubious gift of being raised Forsaken if offered, especially after seeing the miserable life of the existing Forsaken. If all of a sudden after being forcibly raised they are okay with it, then I have to say, even if they are not being directly mind controlled, then they are not altogether free willed either.
And yet the Horde put her in command of a battle with her people, in charge of LITERALLY the same people who just killed her.
Heck, if they ACTUALLY wanted to have an RP moment in this game, then she should /whisper the players who chose to kill her while they’re in the Warfront with “the Dark Lady orders you to stand closer to the door” or something like that.
Literally, players who directly killed her are under her command, and she’s cool with it.
I think they tracked completion of that quest, the way they automatically track all quest completions. But I don’t think they considered that decision important enough to track. It doesn’t lead to another quest split, and was a last minute addition. The decision to follow Cinematic Orc or not is probably tracked, since they presented that as having consequences later on. But I don’t think this one will be.
The irony is that if they did, it might actually be considered an ethics violation as it could be considered psychological research without consent. That could be quite problematic. Let’s hope you’re right.
Me too. Every time an option to not follow that idiot’s orders pops up that’s what I’ll do.
I just wish Blizzard would give us more options to defy him and Sylvanas.
As I type this, there are 255 posts. I got through about 60 before I gave up in disgust.
Everyone echoing the same sentiment: poor writing, lazy writing, terrible writing. Over and over and over. I assume that if 50% of those first sixty posts kept repeating that theme, it wasn’t going to change for the hundreds more.
And my point is: remember at the start of BfA everyone kept white-knighting about how Blizzard had spent all this money on Christie Golden. She was a great writer and it was going to turn things around! That they jacked up the price on that UTTERLY PATHETIC Collector’s Edition for BfA because “that money was well-spent on getting Christie Golden into the Blizzard camp.” And on and on and on.
So then I politely ask: WHAT HAPPENED?
I’m not totally trying to throw Ms. Golden under the bus, but someone needs to explain how her name carries so much weight, we were throw a pathetic CE because her name was attached to it, and yet in the end we’re still saddled with the same 9th grade, sophomoric writing that makes even a KUwtK fan grimmace.
And don’t bother with “She was only attached to the CE novel, not the in-game writing.” Because for one, her name is only attached to the Horde-side of that story (in other words, she only contributed to half of it), and even more important, it wasn’t that good anyway. At no point in “A Good War” does the reader think "hot damn tamale, Ahab, THIS is what we’ve been missing!!!
In my opinión this is not Christie Golden fault,as mentioned by the Orc (and herself) she came to half game to fix the grotesque made by the DEV missions which are literally a hydra whose heads fight each other.
Metezen is out of Blizz for a long time,so it’s not he fault either.
Well. Probably also has something to do with the issue that has been going on since the first forsaken. They were humans in most cases - The Alliance turned their nose up against their own who had been changed. Not sure why that would suddenly change. …Alliance, accepting the Forsaken??? Hmmmm…
good, first was the issue of the plague, it is normal that people are taken to see a living dead, but now it is mostly due to the misdeeds of these and not so much their condition.
Because if the undead try to return to the Alliance as the first option, but the fear of humans pushed them into the horde, the Scarlet Crusade did not do much to help from there either, but the Undercity gained its bad reputation.
Isn’t she the one that wrote the Arthas book? So she is considered a good author? I mean, that is the only book of her’s that I have ever read but…well…it wasn’t all that good…