Single-player games

I hate melee in that game (also in ESO). I also dislike the magic system. What I love is stealth archer builds.

Oh, and there’s always Kerbal Space Program, which is the most addictive game ever created.

So, don’t play it, unless you never want to play anything else ever again.

I had to go cold turkey because it was interfering with WoW, with other game, with my life in general. It’s just that addictive.

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I loaded up my PoE account that was created on day 1. It just looks and feels wrong. I’ve grown too accustomed to Blizzard interfaces.

Honestly at least give Civ 5 a go, IMO it’s probably the best out of the 3, Civ 6 is interesting with its goofy graphics though.

Oh my god, addictive is an understatement, it somehow became my most played game on steam and I don’t even remember how.

I think it was because I discovered all the mods… added so many more parts and whatnot.

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Path of Exile or Pillars of Eternity?

God damn this thread… Looks like I’m going to go play KSP, rip outside.

Sorry! :rofl:

But you’ll have fun, at least!

Oh no doubt, still a few planets I haven’t made it to yet.

Try stellaris, its like civilization set in space. As an avid rts player I loved it.


Civilization: beyond earth is a great one as well. Its still set on a planet surface rather than in space, but is future/scifi based

Crosscode. It’s a single player RPG, but the setting is an MMO. You have other “players” that you can invite to your party if you want to group up, or you can just play solo. Also, lots of “players” throughout the world making it feel like an actual MMO, it’s kind of surreal. Great story, mechanically fulfilling, and tight controls.

Kind of sound like me when I first started playing the Civ series, I was too young and stupid to understand why nuking everything was a bad idea.

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Definitely a big vote for Subnautica for me! Loved that game.

There’s nothing quite like your first encounter with a Reaper Leviathan. Pretty decent story as well.

Go play Pathfinder: King maker. Its legit one of the best rpgs ever made. Plays alot like baulders gate 1&2.

Nuking everything is great, as long as you have a good stockpile by the time you force a nuclear non-proliferation deal in place.

It handles multi-player pretty well, from what I’m told. You can find let’s plays of both competitive and co-op Stellaris online. Check out Mal on youtube, he does a lot of multi-player coops games on the hardest difficulty settings. Try one of the later ones, though, game’s changed a lot from the early days so the older let’s plays are kind of outdated.

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Path of Exile.

Yeah I know this is what I did wrong now, but as a kid I guess I wanted things to go boom and I liked seeing the world burn.

I actually really miss the older Stellaris. The newer version has more Civilization style mechanics with planet management and it’s really annoying trying to balance populations and job-types. I also really hate what they did to sector management and creation. Makes managing and governing a larger Empire extremely frustrating.

Wait, why was this a bad idea?

My biggest Stellaris gripe was when they went from Hyperspace/Warp/Jump Gates to just Hyperspace lanes. I liked the different play styles that the 3 FTL versions allowed.