Single Minded Fury

Yeah and they can play a bad build by themselves. I already said asking for a mog option isn’t unreasonable. As for asking Blizzard to balance it, don’t even waste your time.

Since when has posting a statement made anyone dismissive? And nothing can be added since it was already explained why SMF isnt and cant be viable. (Viable being subjective to endgame content, or what is commonly accepted as endgame content)

Literally this was not an issue and you just blew it way out of proportion.

Here let me add to the discussion.

Dual wield cant be balanced to the same degree that 2h can unless 1 of multiple things happens.

  1. Fury would need a significant buff to their SMF passive that would need to be tweaked constantky to keep it in line with TG, Blizz has tried and they can’t get it done. (Why they left the talent there, idk? Maybe so if someone likes it they can do it)

  2. You could also make it so every single 2h class now uses a 1h. And make it so dualwielding 2h doesn’t exist anymore and make fury dualwield 1h only. But that would require a rebalance of every 1h and 2h class in the game. (As you stated TG did come out in WoTLk, I was wrong) they couldnt even get the balance right before then which is why TG was added in the first place…

As it stands currently, 2h give too many stats that dual 1h even with a faster atk speed cant make up for.


It used to be viable. If they wanted to spend the time, it could be again.

And worst case scenario, if they’re too lazy to do that, then let us mog 1h over 2h and allow us to be like Monks and sheath weapons on our back.


Funny how fury have to set loot spec to arms.

They gotta just let them tmog 1-handers.


I agree with the transmog idea, I liked the posts that brought it up.

Unless its something a ton of the community asks for. I don’t see them working on it. Well atleast not anytime soon. They have a hard enough time keeping balance of everything that has been here.

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TG didn’t exist before 3.1. And yes, SMF was viable. I was a progression raider back in Wrath and Cata with those who were SMF, who were on par or better than TG.

But we’re in agreement that if they can’t balance it now (which upsets me greatly, but I have little faith in the class team anyway) then just let me mog.

So there. We found a common ground. Life is good. I never meant to upset you. And I apologize.

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All is well. Have a good one.

Alternatievly, let warriors drop t-mog restrictions altogether. 2-hands on 1-hands and vice versa. For all specs.


And sheath on our back like Monks.


I started in and mained a fury warrior in BC. There was no titan’s grip in the BC talent tree. It was was added as something shiny and new in Wrath. :upside_down_face:

Also rogues use energy and combo points I believe.


If 2-handers could be tmogged into 1-handers, then complaints about SMF probably wouldn’t exist. I’m not really sure what the differences are in animations either. It doesn’t make sense why we can’t already do this.


That is correct, I realised that after I was corrected.

And yeah, that sounds about right. Haven’t play rogue since Legion (even though I hardly consider me leveling it as playing lol) so I couldnt remeber.

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I’d rather they just scrap the SMF idea and let fury warriors transmog 1 handers over their two handers.


I do wish I could transmog 1hers for a more classic look sometimes but some people really like SMF and more choices is always better I think. :upside_down_face:

The main issue is SMF was supposed to be the high speed spec while TF was the hard hitting spec, but TF now lives button mashing on the global so there’s no room for SMF to do anything unique.
Removing transmog restrictions between 2h and 1h would be nice though, not even just for warriors in general I’d rather be able to mog a staff if I get stuck with 1handers on my casters because blizzard gave us another mace or whatever.


It does seem like simply loosening up transmog restrictions here would be an easy way to go.


No, it didn’t, TG wasn’t added until Wrath.


See my above post


Are two 1h good enough for a crappy alt that only does open world content?

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Oh, yeah. Think of it like a 4-8% nerf to overall damage with no upside type of thing. The spec is still “fine”, just not really “viable” in the endgame sense because you’re spending more talent points to be worse.

Can’t remember specific number but it’s considerable enough for, like, pushing content, but not if you just wanna smack mobs with fish. You get the idea.