Where is actual link?
Your name is fitting.
Yep, perfect for Worgen.
Fantastic change for those who care more about their characters than just what numbers pop up on screen.
Enjoy being kicked for not using 2 handed weapons for best possible damage. It’ll be a literal meme if you try duel wield 1 handed.
Did someone say thunderfury…
I asked for actual link ? ? ?
Congrats Dwaves, Goblins, Gnomes, and Vulpera.
Now you can Fury Warrior without those huge weapons clipping into the ground.
Is this some kind of meme? WTF is this?
Honestly PITA. I have no idea but memes will be memes.
edit: I linked it to counter the first one.
SenPai! Notice me!
- Stat differences between 1h and 2h. 2h weapons are more powerful.
- Gonna be a lot of rage (lol) when all those warrs get a 2h from a boss/emissary when they wanted a 1h and visa versa. Welcome to the caster club, warrs lol.
Titan’s grip is the most unique feature for warriors. SMF you can do on half a dozen other classes and specs.
YAY! This is awesome! I have a lot of Warriors and it’s fun making each one different
Emissaries won’t be a thing in SL from what I understand.
It’s on WoWhead. Just took the picture so people don’t have to dig for it in the class changes section.
Its basic, of course 2 weapons are more powerful,heavier.
If the forums are true to their nature both SMF and TG will be simmed and one will be required and the other will be complete trash regardless of delta magnitude.
Then complaints will arrive about how there is no “choice” because one is better than the other and your “choice” is to be optimal or suboptimal.
It’s pre-Legion WoW all over again.