It’s back guys! FINALLY!
But Titans grip now preferred in min max now based on the tooltip
Oh man, you better not be joking.
Imagine having the option to dual wield two handed weapons and instead using one handed weapons like some kind of nerd.
I’ve always preferred Titan’s Grip but hey, that’s great!
It’s the first iteration so I’d expect some changes. Though, now that I reread it, it sounds almost as if the tooltip is just reiterating the facts in case people look at their 1H weapons and wonder why it has less stats than 2H weapons of the same ilvl.
Of course, I’d recommend against expecting them ever to be balanced; that’s the reason SMF, 2H Frost, and the rest were removed in the first place.
Worgen use their claws. Now they can use fist weapons.
In before complaints that SMF is suboptimal.
You’re already late.
It doesn’t matter because arms war is best war.
Hopefully the damage output balances out close enough.
Now just bring back glad baby
Nice,Very Nice
So awesome that this was added back in. My wife will be excited once she finds out. Good going, Blizz WoW team!
imagine having options
That’s cool if it’s true. I’ve always thought that Titan’s Grip looked stupid af.
Those fist weapons you don’t see unless you’re fighting?
Yeah, but when in combat you see them and they look good.