They could go one better and simply remove the ability for Warriors to use a 1H weapon completely, and allow it to be transmogrifiable… You can already use a 2H with a Shield in Fury, it has the same animations, so simply do the restriction to Protection, and you have a very simple fix for Warrior, whilst simultaneously reducing the amount of work needed to be done…
Single minded fury should also have 10% more crit. Attack fast, crit often. Embody the Fury playstyle. I think Titan-grip was a mistake and I would never play it. SMF is just awesome.
Side note let all warrior abilities work with Daggers. Miss being able to use Daggers as Warrior.
As a prot main, I would love to be able to use the 1h I get for my dps set, but sadly, SMF is so far behind that I’m better using crappy blue 2H. I miss the day SMF was just a bit behind that I could actually perform well with it.
The only time I ever liked using Titan Grip was when it was first introduced and was just spinning to win in BG’s before Lich King came out. I’ve tried SMF over the years, and actually ran with it for a while in Shadowlands raiding. Sadly, it’s just out performed.
It’d be amazing if they could bring it back to a competitive level.
I honestly don’t understand why it isn’t just a transmog option. The animations aren’t different. Just let Fury Warriors transmog one-handed weapons and you’re done.
Then why does Single-Minded Fury exist at all? If that’s true, they should just remove it. They’ve said before they don’t want to have any trap talents, so why have one they will never make good on principle?
They have. In Legion and BfA SMF didn’t exist. Only after people complained enough and the “unprune” did SMF return, and always at the cost of a talent point.
Because for most players is not a trap talent and simply allows them to play w/e version they like more. In Dragonflight SMF was roughly 3% behind TG for DPS. Players are more likely to have a lag spike, or misplay their rotation in some way and would lose way more DPS.
However, blizzard has a set idea of what each spec’s Class Fantasy looks like. Titan’s Grip is one of the few exclusively unique things Warriors can do that other class cannot. Making TG the “mathematically correct” way to play Fury ensure that class Fantasy of TG is the predominate one that the vast majority of players will play.
This is the compromise that Blizzard has made. If you want to use 1H Weapons, you can, but it won’t be the mathematically correct thing to do. If you want that aesthetic that Blizzard doesn’t like, than there’s a price to pay for it.
See the reason I don’t quite buy this as the definitive explanation is that it’s inconsistent with options they allow for other classes. I find it hard to believe that Fury is the only spec with an aesthetic so strongly ingrained into it that you should need to pay a mathematical price to break it.
And yet, no other class or spec has comes close to something like Titan’s Grip.
Frost DKs, Brewmaster, and Windwalkers are the closest with their weapons (Either Dual Weild or 2H weapon depending on tuning & content for FDK). In terms of equipment choice, Titan’s Grip is a Fury exclusive aesthetic that Blizzard wants to emphasize.
Its one of the few unique things Warriors have left. We don’t have any unique utility outside of Battle Shout. We don’t have flashy spell effects like Paladins, Mages, or others. We’re (atm) not the best in our damage profiles.
Anything a Warrior does other classes can as well, and generally have a stronger fantasy than Warrior provides.
You don’t buy the idea that Blizzard wants the only unique aesthetic about Fury Warrior to be upfront?
No, because the same argument could’ve easily been made for Moonkin Form for Balance Druids, but they got a glyph to opt into an alternative anyway. Similarly, Frost DKs were married to dual wielding for several expansions in a row–it was an identity thing that separated them from Blood and Unholy–but they can now use two-handers (and there are legitimately situations in which 2H Frost is worth running, and it doesn’t cost you a talent point to do so).
I feel like you’re arguing as if I’m saying Titan’s Grip should be removed, like I’m trying to take something you enjoy away from you, when all I’m actually saying is that you should be able to mog 1H weapons as Fury. For the record, I like Titan’s Grip. I think it rules swinging around two gigantic axes and it should remain the default. I just think people should be allowed to mog 1Hs if they prefer.
And if that’s too far, Blizzard needs to fix their weapon models because there are 2H weapons that are smaller than some 1H weapons. I can go ruin that Titan’s Grip fantasy on my warrior right now if I pick the right weapon skins. If that aesthetic is so sacrosanct that even the option to look different is too far, then surely the smaller 2H weapon models out there are also a problem.
That glyph (assuming you’re speaking of Glyph of the Stars) still is a unique visual exclusive towards Balance.
The point I’m making is, this has been an option for Blizzard to allow a TMOG solution (Assuming the Artifact TMOG tech they have would work similarly) since at least BfA. Yet they haven’t pulled the trigger, despite these threads popping up routinely every month.
Other complaints we’ve had as Warriors (such as lack of utility during DF) were explicitly responded to during TWWs Alpha/Beta Cycles. They clearly take note of our feedback.
So Blizzard isn’t ignorant of our feedback, and they have the technology to do this in some capacity. And Blizzard hasn’t. Read between the lines. It’s not something they have any interest in doing, based on their own actions for over a decade.
I remember at some point they made a comment about breaking fantasy. Though that doesn’t even really hold up considering we can transmog a sword into a gross fish.
I don’t care if they haven’t done it. They still should and I’ll keep asking for it until they do.
You could have said the same thing about account-wide rep a year and a half ago. People banged that drum for years and were always told “Blizzard would do it if they were ever going to.” And now look: warbands.
Okay, so don’t? You don’t have to talk people down from asking for things from Blizzard. You don’t work for them (presumably) so what does it matter to you if people keep asking for things they don’t get, especially if those things would take exactly nothing away from you? You can just scroll past the thread if it annoys you that much.
Maybe it won’t happen this expansion, or next, but it could still happen. Again: there were years and years of posts asking for account-wide rep and people telling people asking for that to stop asking for it, and guess what, eventually it got popular enough that we got it.