Single-Minded Fury in TWW

Blizzard, please, for the love of all that is Holy -

Remove SMF and make it a transmog. Look, it’s not working out. It’s not “within 1-5%” it’s way, way worse than that.

Even with beginner gear, look at these sims:

SMF talent Slayer build with two 561 Weapons
597,551 DPS

Normal TG Slayer build with a 561 Weapon and 535 OH (Fyralath, cause I haven’t gotten another 2hander yet)
634,893 DPS

With a weapon from LAST EXPANSION TG is still 40k ahead. That’s not “balanced”, that’s definitely not “within 1-5%”

Please, put SMF out of its misery. Its old, tired, and going nowhere. Just make it a glyph or a flatout transmog option.

PLEASE end this charade of “balancing”.


I have no idea what you are talking about


Coming in from the perspective of a level 80… SMF has always felt crappy and it needs a better incentive. Let it increase the proc rate for sudden death or something. Im stuck with it currently because I got really lucky getting 2 VERY good 1H weapons that were far better than any 2H weapon i’ve found so far. So im temporarily running SMF until I can replace these. but it feels bad.

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All they had to do was make it transmog like seriously having to pick the smallest looking mace on my warrior to feel like a true dwarf fury sucks. Justttt make it a transmog blizz or buff the heck outta single minded fury so its the same dps as two handers.


The simplest solution is, honestly, to just make it a glyph.

Glyph: Warrior - Single-Minded Fury
“Your weapons take on the appearance of a random 1handed weapon known in your appearance tab. While this glyph is active, your weapons can be transmogged into other, known, 1handed weapon appearances. Removing this glyph returns you weapons to their default, 2handed, appearance.”

Done. Bingo-bango. Literally everyone is happy. No more loot issues. No more balancing issues.

Right now TG is 50k-100k ahead of SMF. That’s not “a balancing choice” or a “player choice”
That’s gimping yourself on purpose.

SMF, accrording to Blizz, was supposed to be with 1-5% of TG. THATS NOT 1-5% BLIZZ you’re not even TRYING to PRETEND like you care enough to balance it. Just put it it out of its misery and make it a glyph


a proper fix would be to let 1h weapons (warrior only) scale to 2h weapons so that way warrior always has an option to fill a weapon, otherwise the passive needs to go back to it’s original imput as baseline, increasing damage dealt as if 2 2hs were equiped, and bring forth a glass cannon aspect with minimal stats as the trade off, but also giving an option when you don’t have any 2hs
it’s og form was better during the time frame but, if it’s going to be cosmetic, then warriors shouldn’t need a glyph to transmog 1h over 2h in general.
But that would be moreso on the metaphorical “limits” of transmogrification at that point.

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removing something completely shouldn’t be the solution they just need to buff the talent. If you got more haste with the talent to make it actually play faster than two two-handers, while still at a competitive dps in comparison, it would be so much better. Hitting way faster than tg should solve it’s problems imho.


do you think SMF might work out better if one didnt have to spec into it? like if it was a passive all warriors had when DW 1hdrs? kinda costly and diminishes the point when you have have to spec out of like a 25% DMG buff to RG to put a talent point in SMF

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It wouldn’t fix the problems, but it would be nice to not have to specifically talent for it. It feels awful to have to waste a talent point just to unlock an underperforming option.

SMF needs to be buffed so that it’s competitive with TG. Perhaps something like the human racial where you get x% more stats from all sources when using one handed weapons to try to bridge the gap between stat bonuses. Movement speed and base damage % increase for using it also need to be increased.

Realistically the list of SMF buffs should look like this:

Single Minded Fuy
While dual-wielding a pair of one-handed weapons, your damage done is increased by 5% 12%, your auto-attack damage with one handed weapons is increased by 30%, your movement speed is increased by 5% 10%, you receive 10% more strength, stamina, and secondary stats from all sources, and your auto-attack critical strikes have a 50% chance to Enrage you.

Although one handed weapons would still give less secondary stats, you’d be much closer to the same amount as a TG player since you’d get increased stats from your armor. The base damage would help you remain competitive in damage. TG would still probably be better, but this would at least make SMF a reasonable choice. It’s absolutely insane that it would need this big of a change to even be a consideration for players.


Laughs as a fury warrior

At the point we have to spend a talent on it, it should do the same dps as titans grip.



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597,551 * 1.05 = 627,428.55.

I’d say that’s within 5% of TG. (Also, Fyralath has a potent debuff that pumps it above the standard damage of a 535 weapon)

it makes you incapable of doing bare minimum damage for delves. I want to use SMF too, but it needs to be better or just be a transmog option because right now its just a trap option and nothing more


I’d like to see SMF play exactly like it did back in classic, give them sunder, cleave, heroic strike. I’d go nuts lol


I wonder if it’s TRULY anyone’s fav talent… It’s a self nerf purely for aesthethic reasons. The pacing is the same, same rotation, same skills… It’s a dead talent in it’s core, who am I to judge anyone’s taste but to me this talent it’s just a big prank by Blizzard for all Warriors.


Agree 100% with the glyph idea posted here.

Would prefer for sure if they went with the balancing option - buuuuuuuut - it has been literally years. Years and years. And nothing. So forgive me if Im not holding my breath on either of these options. But Blizz, come on - transmog, 2H to 1H - give this to the intern to turn around in a couple hours and lets all move on with our lives at this point.


I wish I could like this 1000x


Ya its like 3-6% behind two handers i like how my earthen looks wth two one handers tho.

I dont know many people who use SMF because of rhe damage its just cause it looks cooler then having two handers.

Really wish it was a glyph but im going to give it a try in bgs as a moutain thane just for the hell of it.

I am double nerfing myself with SMF and mountain thane in pvp but if i can still have fun secure kills the asthetic of it is worth it.

If i cant contribute much in rated bgs when its out ill have a titans grip slayer build ready i just want to have fun and be a elemental warrior lol


Nah, i’m sick of titans grip, it used to be an actual reward, “holy crab on an oyster! I can duel wield 2 handed weapons?!?!?” now it’s some free spell we got forced to have for the last 10 years or so.

SMF is awesome and I want there so badly to be a build for it so my character doesnt look like she’s holding comically large weapons.