Single-Minded Fury in TWW

with all the squishy splat crit noises to go along with it

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Hell yes, you told exactly what I had I mind. But we all had this discussion at the start of DF (and maybe SL) and nothing was done.

Keep bumping those posts guys or we will never be heard


SMF’s only use is to be used for speed sets. That is it.

I’m not sure why you are lying, I leveled all the way and have done delves on my smf warrior at 80 without issue.

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Hot take, SMF is not the problem, TG is.
TG never should have been a thing, swinging 2h weapon is stupid and makes it so its just another class competing for the same item.

SMF should be the base for warriors, and there should be no titans grip.


Removing something should be an answer absolutely. The best possible solution would be to use the systems in place that deal with how your character looks.

Why this path was chosen for Frost and Fury is beyond me when the solution was transmog options expanding. Easier to balance and people get to look how they want, it’s a no brainer.

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I don’t want to play with two handers there is a reason I like or liked smf, the gameplay felt different to me and it should feel faster in general. I want it fixed not made into a transmog option. Believe it or not some people aren’t playing it for the looks

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Oh, so the Frost DK argument I have seen for years.

Yah, no, make SMF a transmog thing or a glyph thing. The same with 2h Frost.


alright you have nothing important to say got it bye now

The one that doesn’t have anything important to put forward is you.

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Ive argued at length with kelliste in the past but something we both agree on is having transmog options over talents for stuff like this is always better.

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asking for something to be fixed that has been an after thought for years isn’t important interesting. While your lazy solution is yup sounds about right

who asked

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It’s not broken thus no fixing needs to be done.

My solution is THE solution for 99.999999% of everyone. You are the minority that doesn’t want to use something because… I don’t know why and it’s not clear and probably not even accurate.


If you’re playing SMF its for the looks and nothing more. Nothing changes playstyle wise from TG to SMF. They generate rage at the same cadence. They use abilities in the same identical manner. You’re quite literally arguing for something that doesn’t exist.


could be a skill issue on my part. T3 Delves were killing me. Then again, im on mountain thane, which im told is also underpowered. if you’re on slayer that might be the difference

I can see the perspective of those that prefer transmog since there is no actual gameplay difference for fury warriors and the number of weapons is the same.

That being said, there is a feeling of looting and equipping a specific weapon type that can’t be replaced by transmog. That’s especially true when the number of weapons differs as it does for specs other than fury warrior. On my DK, I would hate having to find more than one weapon even if I was able to transmog to a single 2h weapon.

I feel very strongly about using a 2h as frost, regardless of transmog, as some fury warriors feel strongly about SMF. I never want to see a 1h weapon again on either my warrior (as fury) or my DK (as frost), but I support SMF continuing to exist for those fury warriors that prefer to have 1h weapons equipped. I would like to see SMF baseline for fury (as long as I never have to use it myself).


Blizzard should just change all transmog restrictions accross the board for weapons and maybe some armor imo. I have a shaman that has thunderfury waiting to be equipped and a sub rogue that misses using 1h weapons.

I played fury way back in classic and tbc and tbh when TG was anounced I switched classes as it just looked different from what I grew to love but that is just my perspective on things and others are just as valid which is why its time blizz just do it! No balancing needed at all just update the transmog system further.

The game needs this change it will actually flurish from it as there are so many unique roleplay opprotunities it will open up to allow players to truely customize their character.

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SMF is useful for farming transmog because it gives movespeed but that’s it. Idk why it’s still a thing, it also hurts people who don’t know that Fury loot spec can loot 1H weapons because of SMF.


What? Being TG means you compete with less classes for loot.

Specs who use weapons TG Fury wants.

-Survival (For the very rare AGI/STR polearm overlap)

Specs who use weapons SMF Fury wants.

-Frost DK
-Prot Warrior
-Prot Paladin

That’s 4-5 specs for 2-Handers vs 8 for 1-Handers.
You can also factor in that none of the 2-Hander classes need more than one weapon meanwhile more than half of the 1-Hander group need at minimum 2 weapon’s.

From the loot availability perspective TG is also the healthiest for the game.

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Most weapons only have 1 primary stat. Str weapons are separate from agi or int weapons. The only exceptions I am aware of are a few crafted weapons. All looted weapons have a single primary stat. See 2 examples of polearms from dungeons, 1 with str and 1 with agi:

This one only has str, which agi-based specs have no interest in:

This one only has agi, which str-based specs have no interest in:

Ret, arms, TG fury, unholy, 2h frost, and blood all share 2h str weapons. That’s 6 total specs.

Prot warrior, prot pally, SMF fury, and dw frost all share 1h str weapons. That’s 4 total specs.

Fewer specs use 1h str weapons compared to 2h str weapons. Remove SMF and the number of specs that want 1h str weapons is reduced to half as many specs compared to 2h str weapons. During BfA, after artifact weapons but before SMF was restored, the only competition dw frost DK had for 1h str weapons was warrior/pally tanks. This was actually an argument in support of dw frost that works for SMF fury as well.