Singing sunflower is nerfed!

want to rethink that statement - it annoys quite a few people . was totaly banned in my raids - bring it out or the train and you were kicked from teh raid , no questions asked .


I kinda like the sunflower sunflower pile on
Iā€™m weird

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Love that ā€¦those two items just grind players nerves ā€¦

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Iā€™ll take obviously false statements for $100, Alex.


You think it was annoying. But it wasnā€™t. :crazy_face:

Someone wasnā€™t here for the Toy Train Apocalypse of '08!

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I wish every raid group would of done this because legit I quit joining them to try and avoid being annoyed by the pet or toy spamming which didnā€™t work like work but it did cut down on it by a large margin.

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LMAO I was ā€¦what a mess that wasā€¦love Lil XT ā€¦smash smash smash those toy trainsā€¦

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That was my favorite Spongebob episode ever created.

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We all know very well why it was nerfed. As it is said. This is why we cant have nice things.

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Fun was detected and someone called the fun police.

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/moo :cow:


We must always cater to those who are upset. For if they are upset, they are justified.

I rarely have the game sounds on any more, but Iā€™m definitely going to check out those foal pets as I have most of them. :laughing:


Does this mean the zombies been buffed!?



You can thank the people (who I call office nancys) who get annoyed over every. Little. Thing.

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ā€œAs a Forsaken, this was my FAVE Pet. It was like it was announcing my arrival. I will miss this greatly.ā€
/sad eyes

As God and Chris Metzen intended.

Itā€™s the same group of people who thought dropping training dummies and turnips at the community feast was a fun thing to do. Some people go out of their way to try and ruin another personā€™s game enjoyment.

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