Singing sunflower is nerfed!

But once lil XT does his job you can unsummon him and put him away …


Doesn’t really take away from what I said.

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Then tell your fellow teammates to stop improperly abusing things in game.

This is why we cant have nice things


I don’t keep Lil XT out once he has smashed the train…I don’t like the voice either but I hate that dang Train more then his voice.

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Bingo Grimoire…the constant spamming over and over caused the complaints to be posted to blizzard about it…


I think you are missing my point a bit, but that’s fine. Moving on. :sweat_smile:

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No longer necessary. The annoyance was nerfed.

I win. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


It’s only a matter of time before we find a new method of annoyance! Just you wait… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


For me, that annoyance has gone under the radar. That dang toy that transforms my character every time I go across it. And people place it around where they KNOW others will fall victim to it. I saw that far more than I heard the sunflower during the goblin hunts.

“No, I don’t want to be a dwarf!” clicks it off

30 seconds later

turns into a night elf


What cat mount spam?

What unicorn pet? Demonic sound?

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I usually just do /roar


I very much doubt it was “thousands”. Its annoyance was overblown imo. It really wasn’t that big a deal compared to the other examples I mentioned. You can’t put it on the same level as the train toy as that is far louder and more obnoxious due to the way it works by triggering everyone’s /train emote. Out of all the group annoyances I could think of, the sunflower emote is right down the bottom of the list in terms of actual impact.

The cat mount spam is that cat mount from the shop. You can drag its butt along the ground by spamming its jump and mount special and as a result, spam infinite cat meows that are annoying AF to everyone around.

The unicorn pets are from SL and this expac. They spam a demonic shrill squeak emote like every 3 seconds on an infinite loop.

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Alert the media someone was using something in game for a harmless gag call the fun police!

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I was part of the problem. I was spamming it during goblin portals, and for that I apologize.

Also, I made it my phone notification sound.


Another new day…

Another reason to laugh at this community…

Imagine getting triggered by a little kid voice saying “Sunflower!” …


/em hides Fruit Loops.


Actually Trust it did annoy people and not just speaking for myself here.

That freaking thing is exactly why I stopped having in game sound on.And I know it’s not just me.


I always just backed away until I couldn’t hear the darn thing and more. I didn’t b*tch on the forums, but I won’t miss it.

Get a train wrecker toy. It despawns when the train is gone…but good to know the pet works if multiple folks go crazy and I can’t remove myself from the immediate sound while waiting for gates to open.

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