Sinful flame illusion going away

Its never worked like this before for rated pvp enchants though which is what i think is the main issue. I’m annoyed tabards arent items anymore, that was also an unprecedented change for who knows what reason

Did you play BFA? It worked that way for all of BFA

Also you know if you earned the tabard you can go to the tabard vendor by the guild master and they can give you a copy of one, right?

I played bfa and i have dreadflame enchant. Dreadflame could be earned in all bfa seasons not just one season

I did not see a sinful gladiator tabard at the tabard vendor

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Well idk why it’s not working for the tabard thing. Cause I could have sworn any tabard you have earned, the tabard vendor can provide you a copy of it. That should be a thing

And really? It was the same enchant for all of BFA? Isn’t it better that they’re adding more variety then? I mean it only seemed to match the transmogs of BFA S4 to me shrug

You’re incorrect. Dreadflame was the same enchant throughout the whole expac. Enchants have never been changed seasonally. Battlemaster is right.

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Oh. Well fair enough, I thought it was different for each season already… What if it’s cause… People didn’t like this one? idk

All I’m used to is them being different each season. Also, it looks pretty good with Eternal Traveler mog

But if this is an entirely new thing that is awfully strange. I did hear a ton of complaints about how this season’s weapon enchant looks ‘ugly’ that’s all I can think of as to why

I don’t think it being ‘ugly’ has anything to do with it. Dreadflame was a literal afterthought that the community responded to in a negative way as well. It was such an afterthought that it wasn’t even implemented at the beginning of the season because Blizzard forgot about the PvP community.

The ladder has never been this dead before, and it is a direct result of all the terrible systems in place. This was meant to insight fomo.

Never before has an enchant been season specific. We were given no warning. If this enchant was told to us at the beginning of the season to be season specific, I would sit here and be fine with it. It wasn’t. They waited till 12 days, and included it at the end of a Blizzard post which didn’t even discuss anything related to it in the beginning. This was terrible form.

This would explain why I was getting so confused

Welp, I was trying to help but I’m just making things worse. Don’t mind me

just rechecked vendor now to be sure and it is indeed a cosmetic only item with no physical copy. feels bad :confused:

What? I don’t know why they wouldn’t allow you to have a copy of the tabard at the tabard vendor. Blizzard is trolling with the tabards, imo it should be fixed so you can get a copy of ANY tabard you have earned and idk why you wouldn’t be able to do that already

If this is completely new then idk why they didn’t inform us at the start of the season. I mean I know a ton of devs were fired during BFA, and a lot of devs have quit during SL so otherwise idk why such a late provision of information…

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I feel that, just it’s sort of funny seeing people who’ve never got a FoS for rated PVP before mad about it. I find it difficult to believe they don’t do rated PVP but were long conning on hitting 2100 next season specifically for that enchant appearance. Just seems like the usual WoW forums complain gang stuff. Outside of that it’s a credible complaint I suppose, I didn’t know about the non-gated nature of previous seasons.

This is such a clown opinion to have. :rofl:

Hey guys don’t discuss game issues on forums because apparently Blissground thinks players shouldn’t voice their opinions/thoughts on the game.

Why are you even on the forums then?

Maybe people didn’t enjoy 9.0 enough to grind 2100?
You know the whole rogue/paladin one shot meta that took 2-3 months to nerf?

Dude you played the most OP spec of 9.0 and got hardstuck 1500 rating after 140 games in arena. You’re joking right?
I didn’t even check yet, but since you talk trash to other people, I just had to, you’re literally a joke in pvp.

Seems like you’re just wanting to argue, considering I’m agreeing with you. But I guess that’s why people post on lvl10’s in the first place.

Sure you are, you’re arguing half the thread and insulting people who don’t have pvp achis, while you’re stuck at 1570 rating after 140 games. Stick to RBGs, at least they can carry you there.

I actually didn’t insult anyone in this entire thread. lol As for your attempts to insult me based on content I barely play, have at it–if I were scared of people’s opinions I would post on a lvl10 like you do.

Barely play? You got 220 arena games. 145 being on 3v3 where u got stuck on 1570 rating.

Sure you don’t.

Oh and it’s not 16 days, it’s 12-13 since announcement.
People enjoying TBC right now would have to jump back into retail after not playing for some time since, let’s face it, dead patch for last 2 months, no content, adjusting rapidly to gameplay and grinding to 2100. While also having finals if they’re students in coutries that have finals in June.

It’s crazy, every time you mention it it hurts my feelings twice as much.

It’s not an insult to point out people didn’t push when they were able, it would be an insult to say they couldn’t have had they wanted to.

Sounds like plenty of time to get carried in RBGs. Best of luck.

Do you even use logic?
You played 145 games and barely reached 1570 rating, but somehow 12-13 days is enough to grind out 2100 for people.

I’m starting to question your common sense.

Sounds like you just got carried over the patch, and now are upset if people would have more time to get an illusion.

Yeah, all 4 of my 40k+ HP toons were hard carried. People must just like me, odd that this exchange is going so poorly considering.

On the contrary, I don’t care about the illusion–Blizzard could literally gift it to everyone with an account and it would make no difference to me. I just think it’s funny that people who don’t PVP (you) are here mad about it.

It’s adorable how hard you cling to miniscule achievements.

2100 in RBGs is about 1600-1700 in arena, keep that in mind next time you question people’s opinions based on their rating. You never really did get past 1800.