There’s no visual preview I’m aware of for season 2. I’ve checked the PTR as well and it wasn’t available to be previewed. So unless it’s datamained somewhere I think we just have to wait a few weeks.
Sorry about the time frame with finals and the warning. That’s tough.
Okay? Were you all the sudden going to start doing rated PVP specifically to farm it, more than half a year after it was released, in spite of having never done rated PVP according to your account? I really don’t get the complaints here.
First, if you’re going to badger me about my progress when it’s not relevant, then get it right. I have done low 2’s and RBG’s.
Second, in previous expansions, the expactation was that the enchant would last the entire expansion. The problem is that now it’s being made seasonal without long notice, and people who thought they could get it later are being treated unfairly.
PvP illusions have always been the same throughout the entire xpac so that’s why people are upset. Deciding to tell people it’s going away forever with less than two weeks left in the season is kinda messed up lol.
I’m not badgering you about your progress, only pointing out that you’re on a 7 year old account that has never been above 1400 in rated PVP flaming Blizzard over time gating a 2100 achievement. Seems silly to be mad about something you apparently weren’t working towards anyway.
That’s fine, I’m just not seeing the point in people who don’t do rated PVP angry about it. I could totally see someone who does do rated PVP being annoyed by this, in which case I wouldn’t have said anything.
Yeah that’s your opinion but it’s not uncommon for people to have an position on a topic that doesn’t directly effect them. That doesn’t make them dumb.
I’ve never hit 2100 either but I can recognize that removing that illusion without any prior notice is a poor decision on Blizzard’s part considering that’s something they’ve never done before either.
Oh my god, dude. You’re wrong on all levels. First, the account may be 7 years old, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been a WoW player for 7 years. I’d say most of my playtime was in 8.3 and 9.0. Second, I’m not flaming. Third, I do plan to try to push more in later seasons, not that that’s any of your business.
There’s a thing called empathy, which all non-sociopathic human beings have.
So most of your playtime was during when the enchant you’re angry about was achievable content and you didn’t push towards it. That’s your fault, not Blizzard’s. For that matter you’ve got 16 days until Season 2 launches, go get it.
You definitely are.
Cool, good luck in following seasons–I hope you see success.
I’m a sociopath because I think you’re whining for the sake of whining? lol You’re ridiculous.
It’s sold on the seasonal vendor and most people that have interacted with PvP prior to shadowlands season 1 understood that rewards associated with the season, are to be earned in that season, and next season they’re removed.
I don’t know off the top of my head how well the achievements call this out in game for appearances like the cloak / tabard but they are the same way. The system has been this way for so long I don’t really know what the in game text even says anymore.
The forum callout was just a reminder but if people are that surprised by it maybe it needs some new red text saying it must be earned in the season it was made available in, or something.