Since you're giving Druids Moonkin colors, how about this:

Give them a dragonriding shapeshift form. We’re getting a Sprite Darter dragonriding mount, so add a Sprite Darter type druid form, too.


They got all this but no DR form


if the sandstone drake is getting the dragon riding skeleton they might use that

HOLD UP! This is the same model as the AOTC owl mount!

So MAYBE we are getting one?! :smiley:


That completely flew over my head. PERHAPS


Geebus I hope so! I’d be so excited for that!

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I’m hoping they add Glyph of Stars as part of the Barber Shop with possibly a sun version and a clear version (still with the falling stars) for variety!


Agreed. The original Glyph of Stars was just sparkly transmparent with no color. It was my favorite! And the solar form was something we had in Legion for a brief time. I miss it.


As long as the druid DR form isnt instant cast we’re all good.
Theyve had it too good for too long.


Still want dracthyr to be able to dragonride fly on their own as well. Don’t be surprised though if Blizz makes it seem like druids getting the system for flight first as…they’ve lied to us plenty before. The fiery Moonkin looks nice though… but I’m getting sick of Blizzard’s BS at this point


Lets calm down… I don’t wanna get my hopes up again … :sob: :cloud_with_rain:

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Oooh maybe! If so that would be awesome.

Why they can’t fly on their own is beyond me and the worst oversight ever.


Better be a casted flight form, and not instant

Why does it matter? It hasn’t mattered since BC. It’s the perk of being a druid. It doesn’t ruin your gameplay.

Never understood why people foam at the mouth over this.

The NPC dracthyr can fly on their own so why exactly the players can’t also do this is such a stupid thing for them to do. For all we know they’re not going to give the dragonriding system to druids and instead be like “Druids wanna fly…then complete the pathfinder” which would be a middle finger in it’s own right as compared to dragonriding speeds normal flight is so slow


I’m glad Moonkin hasn’t been forgotten and you know how long we’ve been waiting for this.

I’m going to be ashamed if they bring in even more Druid customizations.

Other classes have been left in the dirt for over five years. Some even ten.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. I’m sorry to hear that! Hopefully you guys can get different shades of diaper sooner rather than later, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Dang it Edamann. Why must u do dis.

I’m laughing but I’m also frustrated. UGH.

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