Since you're giving Druids Moonkin colors, how about this:

“even more”?

Keep in mind that transmog is useless to any druids playing feral or guardian. They’re stuck with a handful of appearances available to them, most of which were added three expansions ago.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Druids should be able to only transform their hands! You can see people running around hitting things with bear hands, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

So is… gasp… Mechagnomes.

We don’t get pants. We get diapers. Can’t wear wrist gear. Can’t wear glove gear. Can’t wear boots/shoes. Most headgear looks ridiculous on us. Our heads clip through most of our shoulder gear.

Once again we go forgotten.

Gotta be honest… I never really cared for the Moonkin form. Even with these possible new options, the only Druid I won’t use Glyph of Stars is a Zandalari. Maybe we’ll get more forms similar to Zandalari’s, too.

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I mean, no offense, but if you made a Mechagnome to look good then you missed the point good buddy.

Everytime new beast models get leaked druids think it’s for them. :roll_eyes:

I mean, no offense, but maybe you should expand your tiny horizons and realize that some player choose not to play an overrated as hell race.

But go ahead and ignore this post too.

Limited transmog isn’t the same as no transmog. In fact, the mechagnome hunter in my guild has one of the coolest mogs I’ve seen. So no, you weren’t forgotten, we just realize that you do actually have some mog options for gear


I can think up of two good reasons why we’re going forgotten:

  1. You made a post saying we’re not forgotten because I said we’re forgotten. AKA, if I didn’t make that post, we wouldn’t have this discussion.

  2. That Mechagnome hunter you mentioned somehow jogged your memory along with saying “Mechagnomes need more customizations”. But this becomes void when you simply give a compliment. Which is nice of you, don’t get me wrong, but a compliment doesn’t fix the issue. Ergo, after said compliment, you move on and forget us once again.

… how did my thread on druid dragonriding form turn into a whinefest over Mechagnomes? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This is a great idea! I’ve wanted some kind of faerie dragon/sprite darter flight form (like Brightwing!) for a while now. Sprite darters have always seemed very tied to the Dream and druids in general (at least from my rather lore-limited perspective), and I’ve often wondered why they haven’t been used. I would love to see something like this! :dracthyr_love_animated:

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I guess you didn’t actually read the articles GIANT DISCLAIMER that said “This is based on datamining, and some of these might not make it into the live game or be inaccurate. We datamined the glyphs and spells which indicate the different types of Druid customizations coming and had to match up screenshots of new models by hand based on NPCs in the game. As such, some of the models below may be inaccurate and will likely include extra colors as we don’t know which colors are the ones that match the glyph.”

I guess you didn’t read where I said “maybe,” which is just fun speculation based off of the fact that we know it’s just datamining.

Geeze, calm down. It’s just hopeful speculation.

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Every Druid form and tier set leans heavily into the Night Elf aesthetic every time.

Yeah, which is why I couldn’t get into Druid until Zandalari came along. Dino forms are just superior to cats and bears, imo. And there’s lots of dope af dino-themed sets I can get from Zandalar, plus the Zandalari heritage set.

Yeah they are def the best horde druid in terms of immersion, in my opinion.

Until you pop the class hall mount and it’s a night elf owl.

I don’t think I’ve ever gone back and unlocked that form. Wouldn’t use it even if I did. I mean, I like owls… but a Pterodactyl is way cooler.


I like the class hall owl—insta-cast two-seater mount is nice despite the Kaldorei aesthetic. I just wish the colours weren’t race-locked. The tauren one is brown, and I’d much rather have the pretty white one. :dracthyr_cry: Maybe I‘d actually use it …

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id be into it. surpised flight forms dont already have a dr mode

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I think its mostly PvPers mad that a druid can escape pretty easily with insta flight