06/13/2018 10:15 AMPosted by SamariyuTo answer OP:
1) A lot of people are misunderstanding what OP is asking with this one. Saying "she was always rageful" does not answer his question. He's asking for violent fits of rage.
So to answer your question, OP, we've only seen anything remotely similar to that on two occasions. One, there was a similar scene in War Crimes (also a Golden imagining...). Two, when we brought her necklace back to her in that one questline. She was not violent, but she did snap at us a little. So even this example is shaky. There was also a time in Silverpine after a group of Forsaken had been ambushed and killed by Ivar. She exclaimed they'd get vengeance for it. Also a shaky example.
But other than that, I can't think of a time with her snapping. Golden is the only one who's shown her snapping violently, first in War Crimes then in BtS.
But even when she was ambushing Arthas in WC3, her anger was extremely calm, collected, and focused. It was not a snap action, but a calculated move.
2) Like I said in my above comment, I'm struggling to think of a time when she's displayed paranoia. She's always been guarded and played things close to the chest. And while it may make sense given all the coups and betrayals she's survived for her to be paranoid, we've literally never seen it before this book. I'm trying to think of a time, yet drawing a blank.
3) It's not exactly clear when she started believing undeath was better than life, since this is a view she only recently explicitly stated. However, she did have default text in Silverpine reading "In undeath, we are reborn." So it's safe to say that she at least started viewing undeath in a positive light back in Cata.
4) We don't know. She's never said such a thing before, or expressed a desire to attempt it. Back in vanilla, there was one apothecary who expressed a desire to wipe out the living, and this view is often attributed to Sylvanas. However, that apothecary also worked for Varimathras, and we never heard Sylvanas affirm that view.
5) This is new lore in BtS. Sylvanas has always demanded loyalty to herself and the Forsaken, but only to those who chose to join the Forsaken, and never before to such extremes. And as stated in Traveller 2, if you want to leave the Forsaken then all you need to do is politely ask. There was also a captain in Silverpine who, after witnessing the death of his unit, retired from military service. But the level of control we see in BtS within the Forsaken's daily lives is unprecedented. The Forsaken have always been a highly unified militaristic entity, but never before were their personal freedoms so restricted. For instance, there is a family of Forsaken at Dreadwake's Landing who have continued to run the family business they had in life into their undeath as well.
Bottom line, Golden doesn't really know Forsaken lore or aesthetic and is making it up as she goes.