Since we're getting Man'ari now

I did read that bit. Wouldnt make much sense that any of his loyalists left behind (assuming that they werent all slaughtered or crushed when the ocean collapsed in on the well of eternity) would still be able to run interference and not “tow the line” when they effectively got transformed and bound to an old god.

My remark about making naga and mantid playable was flippant, as making either of those races playable is about as ridiculuous (if not more so) than having man’ari be playable

which goes real nice with DK, DH, and even DiD.

for like 13 years of wow out time DiD were not friends. they were targets. Now they aren’t.

noting they are 1 still 2 steps below their really bad kin. and lets be honest…if not allied right now they’d probably be merc’ing for if not joining the primalists. They like elementals a lot too lol.

nah bro the eredar are like, totally sorry for all the people they murdered in cold blood. so its okay. if you have a problem with it you just have a problem with lore about velen being sorry for them.

oh, well that changes everything. I didnt realize they were totally sorry



dks were quite literally mind controlled and unable to do anything about what they did while under the service of arthas, DHS as far as im aware aside from a few individuals haven’t done anything really crazy, Dark iron dwarves in general were under the servitude of ragnaros and didn’t really have much of a choice in alot of the things they did, even so much of what they did was pretty general kingdom vs kingdom stuff.

The eredar actively joined an army bent on destroying all life that didn’t bend itself to its will and made it a personal hobby to hunt down their former friends and family that didn’t join. theres just a TEENSY bit of a difference here.

Welcome to wow 2023.

that quest to talk nice to the horde at DF start. It can suck an egg. Lets plan a dinner or some crap.

Break bread with the enemy (What?)
But no matter how many cats I break bread with
I’ll break who you sendin’ me

DMX…he had his lyrical gems like this.

Even if that were possible(they both died in the twisting nether so it’s not), it’s not like they’d ever get used for anything. Just look how they always treat Malfurion. He’s a god-tier character in his own right and has to constantly be put in lore time-out for one reason or another, because he’d just steamroll everything.

Not everybody managed to escape with Velen’s crew back in the day. A lot of eredar would’ve been left behind on Argus and forcibly converted to the Legion, and are now seeking forgiveness.

Not really. They just kinda chose to stop following him at Light’s Hope. There was no severing of his control or anything.

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Or, yknow, were born at some time in the last 25,000 years.

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I have one already but I don’t really care about the appearances or skins or whatever. It’s cool for the people are want that stuff but it doesn’t interest me at all.

While the Dark Irons were indeed enslaved by Ragnaros after he was summoned forth, the dark iron leadership/elders, out of an act of desperation (as their assaults on Ironforge and Grim Batol in a bid for supremacy over the other two prominent dwarven clans were turned back).

Realizing that supremacy over the dwarves could no longer be achieved by his own force of arms and sensing imminent defeat, Thaurissan, along with the Seven, delved into forbidden lore and summoned the great Firelord Ragnaros at the area now known as the Molten Core to destroy his foes once and for all. Horribly underestimating the raw power of the Lord of Fire, Thaurissan, the Seven, and many other Dark Irons were killed instantly in the resulting immolation which destroyed an enormous portion of the Redridge Mountains and formed the great black peak of Blackrock Spire

So the Dark Irons are not entirely innocent of their actions

I’d probably suggest you to read “… throwing lore out of the window” more as “… lore moving forward in a way I don’t like”. :person_shrugging:

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I been wanting Man’ari since forever I don’t mind. A shame they can’t join the horde though. But I guess it makes sense if Velen takes them back. SInce he was their former leader as well.

Those Man’ari that want to rejoin are nice. It probably wouldn’t be every Eredar but the ones that chose to rejoin is nice.

Not all Man’ari are like that. We saw a rogue manari in Legion helping out the rogues. The ones we fight obviously are the ones that do hate us/fight us. But you know what? The ones that stayed back on Argus that don’t want to fight and aren’t in the army of the burning Legion? They probably don’t have as much hatred. Probably some had to join because of a government takeover and they didn’t want to die…

There are so many good ways to right them. Even some that joined to sabotage them from within… bunch of good ways to right antihero characters. Plenty of dranei on that planet probably did not agree with Kil’jaeden either but remained nuetral. Probably got some Man’ari traders and civilians too.

You are mostly talking about the Man’ari we face in the enemy armies, but probably a good chunk of them not in armies and some from those armies would want to rejoin after being defeated. Like in real life with any conflict. Not everyone is going to think the same.

which all of us take a bite of that crap sandwhich as the game goes on.

At least the eredar makeover will make this better. Lore shakey, cool look? Well at least we got the look.

Its not like I don’t see “but the lore”. Devs stopped caring…now more players do too.

Horde getting forgiven for now 17 years of invading ashenvale with a teldrassil chaser? that came with no consolation prize at all.

here…I get demonic waggle. I’ll take that. Not even gonna lie…the twin eredar in the lock order hall at some point is one of its most liked assets for me lol.

I have two. They’ll be getting the red skin for sure. I’ll be race changing my Warlock to a goat also so that makes three.

We’re not getting Man’ari. We’re getting a skin colour.

You can try to cosplay as a Man’ari.

If they kill off Tyrande in some grand act to protect the new world tree from Fyrakk…then sure I’ll make a manari draenei. If not…then nah I’ll just quietly make plans to burn it down if it gives NE their immortality back

lol no.