Since we're getting Man'ari now

And you never even see this as Horde, they don’t appear at all. It’s exclusively an Alliance storyline.

That’s just the Alliance characters in a nutshell. Tyrande is the Avatar of a Goddess, Malfurion surpassed a Dragon Aspect in Druidic potential, Turalyon is a 1,000 year old Lightforged Paladin, Alleria is a budding Void Goddess, Velen is a 25,000+ year old Prophet who can single-handedly undarken a Naaru (even if it’s via self-sacrifice), etc… The Alliance cast is full of God Characters who are forced to do nothing because there would be nothing left for the PC to do.

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As soon as they let Draenei have green eyes.

As soon as they make a red skintone available to Draenei.

As soon as they decouple Draenei horns and hairstyle.


They aren’t wrong though. There’s no lore backing behind Man’ari becoming playable.

There’s literally a quest tied to the skin unlock…

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I might switch my Death knight to have the red skin.

Basically he ends being tied to light, fel and undeath all at the same time.

I hope so. The whole “One Legion” thing was so stupid. It made literally zero sense too

Ah, then I stand corrected.

NEW Seeing Red (account) Witness Velen’s prophecy of unexpected penitence unfold.
Reward: Customization Reward: Man’ari Eredar Appearances for Draenei

First warlocks now this… I swore not to make a space floozy… they are making it a bit tempting now.

That’s on the Blood Elves.

Sure I’ll make one :slight_smile:

wait, we’re getting the red draenei now?

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I never want to see this again.

I’d like the krokul faces/tails from legion as customization options.

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Yes always loved the evil demonish ones why i never played a dranai or tauren i always tend to gravitate to the darker classes

Man’ari is the only way I’d be willing to make an Eredar Warlock.

Until they explain how Draenei can be Warlocks without becoming Broken or without becoming part of the Legion, they won’t make any sense other than this.

If this is a legit attempt to explain Draenei/Man’ari/Eredar Warlocks being playable, I’m interested.

Not the ones we know like Fel Cracked Skin Tune Ones from Legion NPCS.

My Rogue will be wearing the Blood Troll armor from the Trader’s Post soon. And the Horde is all about redemption.

I know you’re just having fun here, but arguments from popularity aren’t usually good.

Good governance attempts to compensate for the possibility of a tyranny of the majority, and probably a popular vote to join corrupting Fel demons, being in de facto slavery, and having your world sundered and all but destroyed probably qualifies as one. Lol.

Agreed Garrosh did nothing wrong though.