Since we're getting Man'ari now

Velen literally tried to get Sargeras to come back. He would forgive the Man’ari.

When the Man’ari have nothing left, they would cling to what little they do have left. So yes, it does.


Like we know of man’ari who abandoned the legion before the legion fell

So like, could easily bet money on some people who joined solely for their own survival

Too tired of these people to deal with Kil’Jaeden vs Sargeras tbh. Lol.

i don’t even recall him trying to get kay jay back either. There was just that headpat in the cinematic. All throughout macaree velen is taking illidans lesson of: stop being so forgiving to heart and killing those who actively try to hurt him and his friends.

Ogres I can see (should have been a thing from the start). Why they still aren’t a playable race baffles me.

Goblins, even though they were horde units in the RTS games, I felt like maybe shouldn’t have been made playable with how they were chosen to be portrayed when world of warcraft launched, which was neutral-ish. Goblins are all about profit, and what’s more profitable: staying neutral and gaming/playing both sides, or choosing one side, thus making an enemy of the other.

That being said, not a horrible decision like the vast most of the allied “races”

Naga though? Those are the remnants of elves who, along with their leader Queen Azshara, allied with the burning legion (leading to the great sundering) which was followed by them allying themselves with the Old god N’zoth

i hate it, i was about to drop the game and the mfs a reality make the fantasy of playing a female version of archimonde and kiljaeden since i played for first time w3. so many years waiting

now i dont even want to take a look at my void elfs

Tomb of Sargeras.

its been awhile but i recall him trying to bring kj to justice ie: punish him for his crimes, not redeem him or whatever.

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Easily justifiable if you consider that when Dath’Remar and his loyalists escaped Zin-Azshari, several of them had to stay behind to keep Azshara’s people from finding out and giving pursuit. We play as them and their descendants.

He literally did. Did the whole “It’s not too late, brother” and crap. Lol.

Imagine if this quest is Kil’jaeden and Archimonde, still alive, reuniting with Velen.

I swear I can hear the roaring fires that will be the forums as people complain about the Alliance getting even more God-Tier characters in their roster.

Entirely possible Archimonde is still alive, considering 10.1.5 accidentally retconned the stupid ‘only one legion through all timelines’ nonsense and we killed Archimonde in Draenor.


can you link me to it? cuz i’m looking through tomb of sargeras dialogue and don’t see jack about that. Only about velen wanting to end this fight.

No, they aren’t Gnomes.


The naga were a result of the deal Queen Azshara made with N’zoth when the sundering destroyed the ancient Kaldorei civilization,

But Dath’remar and his followers were exiled and eventually settled in Northern Lordareon and would eventually become the blood elves.

The horde took in the “vampire” elves.

When between a rock and a hard place a job is a job.

and meatshields are meatshields. Or canno fodder is cannon fodder. Pick to your liking there lol.

I am aware of both of those facts, yes. Did you not read what I said? Some of Dath’Remar’s loyalists had to stay behind in Zin-Azshari.

even in game the vampire elves were seen as insane to bring along with the only reason people dealt with them was because sylvanas vouched for them.

i’d argue letting eredar into the alliance is like a bajillion times worse because at least the san layn partially had no control over their state whereas the eredar happily accepted being pumped full of evil juice.

I’ll be changing my Draenei Rogue to red.