Since the Original Exodus from ED to WRA

I thought you were leaving?

they’re still scurrying around the thread to jar more of their eloquent diction farts to savour for later

transcend anonymity, colonizer

IMMEDIATE EDIT: transcend anonymity is potent but will never top ‘be seeing you.’

Never forget the taste of your own kool-aid.

is liotuse a client from wyrmresg? you’ve drawn the character before - it’s how i found you here

have a nice day, blocking premptively

When the spring runs dry it’s obvious who forgot to drink.

liotuse, i presume? you called me racist

so i just thought i’d remind you who the colonizer is

We are drinking our own kool-aid who needs spring water lmao

I :heart: fruit punch.

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i should have screen shotted all the times shes been racist towards me in game

You get down with Arizona Fruit Punch?

man, I miss being able to buy the huge jug of that.

I have to get it from import stores in Australia and they only have the single serve sized ones and they’re like $6 each or some crap

I’ve never tried it but now I want to.

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what kind of dystopian hellscape is australia

1 freedom buck per can. ONE

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it’s really good!! definitely my favorite of the arizona fruit drinks.


Rehearsed “normal” conversations always come across so weird to everyone not immediately involved.
Active imaginations and all that lol

here’s the cleaned up version of that Totally Normal Reaction To Being Rightfully Called A Racist On The Video Game Forums On The Internet

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Any 80s/90s kids remember squeeze-its drinks but the kind that had like chunky jello in them for some reason? I have no idea why they popped up in my head just now.

I need to sleep but I must find what they were called.

squeezit? i think?

edit: i think it was specific kind of squeezit.

what did i just read? im not even slightly surprised.

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I found it.

It was called “Gelooze” and yes it was as gross as it looks.


an abomination. truly.

credit where credit’s due, “What ooze it?” is pretty funny